Few farms are located entirely on it. Tracts are level or nearly level,
and because of the sand and gravel in the subsoil natural drainage
is good.
  This soil is nearly all under cultivation. It is used for general
farming and dairying, though it is better suited to special truck crops
It is apt to suffer somewhat more from lack of moisture during dry
spells than do the heavier soils.
  Fox loam,, gravelly phase.-The gravelly phase of Fox loam differs
from typical Fox loam in having, on the surface and through the
soil, much gravel, mostly waterworn fragments of granitic rocks and
chert with limestone in the lower soil layers.
  This soil is of small extent and minor importance. The largest
area is in T. 20 N., R. 23 E., in sections 1 and 12. The land is for
the most part level or very gently undulating, and natural drainage
is good or excessive. The gravel and sand in the subsoil render
drainage too free.
                        FOX FINE SANDY LOAM
  The cultivated surface soil of Fox fine sandy loam to a depth of
10 inches consists of brown smooth fine sandy loam. The 2-inch sur-
face layer in virgin areas is darker than the remainder of the soil
owing to the presence of organic matter, and in wooded areas a little
leaf mold may be present. On cultivation this is soon lost by decay
and mixing with the lower soil. From 10 to 18 inches the material
is yellow loamy fine sand and from 18 to 36 inches it is yellowish-
brown or reddish-brown fine sandy loam. Between depths of 36
inches and 10 or more feet there is gray porous medium sand with
a trace of fine gravel. The gravel is of several kinds but is mainly
limestone. The texture of the surface soil is variable. A number of
small areas of Fox sandy loam are included.
  This soil is rather inextensive and of minor importance. The
largest areas occur on the county line due north of Mishicott and
in sees. 4 and 5, T. 20 N., R. 24 E. The land is level, and natural
drainage is good or somewhat excessive. The soil is devoted to
general farming and dairying, in conjunction with heavier adjoining
soils, but it is better suited to special truck crops.
                      POYGAN SILTY CLAY LOAM
  The surface soil of Poygan silty clay loam is generally dark-brown
or black rather heavy silty clay loam averaging about 10 inches in
thickness, although it may continue downward to a depth of 24 or
more inches. In places a mucky layer, 1 or 2 inches thick, covers the
surface. The subsoil is generally slightly mottled drab-brown,
brownish-gray, or gray silty clay loam or clay which may continue
to a depth of 20 or more inches, at which depth it grades into
pinkish or brownish-red, stiff, plastic clay containing some gray or
drab mottles and in places some specks of limonite yellow. The
color varies considerably in the subsoil, owing to differences in drain-
age conditions; the more poorly drained the area the more gray and
drab and the less pink or red there is in the lower part of this layer.
Seams of fine sand and layers of drab silty clay loam occur in places
in the subsoil. The surface soil is free from stones, gravel, and