ANDERSON, in Charge, W. J. GEIB, and M. J. EDWARDS, U. S. Department of
are, and H. H. HULL and MERRITT WHITSON, Wisconsin Geological and Natural
                COUNTY SURVEYED

;owoc County is in the east-central part of Wisconsin, bor-
Lake Michigan. The county comprises an area of 590 square
377,600 acres. Manitowoc, the county seat, is 159 miles by
im Madison and 77 miles from Milwaukee.
and surface ranges from level to rough and hilly. The most
aous physiographic feature is the Kettle Range or Kettle
B, a belt of irregular hills, ridges, and depressions which
he county from southwest to north-

Along Lake Michigan there is a level
veral miles wide, which grades into
rolling country before the moraine
led. This level area is chiefly a
race formation, although it merges
ver terraces on Manitowoc and the
livers in the northeastern part of
nty. To the west of the moraine
ef ranges from level to gently roll-
;h most of the land surface gently
highest point in the county is in
L., R. 21 E., where an elevation of
t above Lake Michigan is attained.
e elevations of various towns ' above

are given as follows: Mishicott 60 FGUM 1.--Sketch map show-
Lplegrove 200 feet, Cooperstown 210  Cg loctio Wis.
wo Rivers 29 feet, Cato 250 feet,
woc Rapids 120 feet, Manitowoc 50 feet, Meeme 200 feet,
'ig 290 feet, and Centerville 60 feet. Numerous water-power
ave been at various times developed on the various rivers
ry indicates that the Fox and Sac Indians were the first to
the part of Wisconsin in which Manitowoc County occurs,
;e tribes were driven out by the Menominees. Within what
Manitowoc County it seems there were representatives of
ndian tribes, including the Ottawa, Menominee Winnebago,
tawatami. All except the Winnebagos were of Algonquian
Before 1830 the Winnebagos had disappeared and other
ad mingled to a great extent.


a" as used in this report is synonymous with " township."
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