rock at a depth ranging from 8 to 12 inches. The surface is thickly
strewn with limestone and some granite bowlders. Areas of rock
outcrop, some rather large, are numerous.
  An area of this soil is in sec. 20, T. 20 N., R. 24 E. Other areas lie
northwest of Mishicott. The soil is of minor importance. The
relief ranges from nearly level to gently rolling, and surface drain-
age is fair or good. The bedrock substratum does not allow water to
move downward except through crevices in the rocks. As the land
is too stony for cultivation, it is utilized for pasture.
                          FOX SILT LOAM
  Under cultivation the surface soil of Fox silt loam to a depth of 8
inches consists of light-brown silt loam. Over the surface of wooded
areas there may be a thin layer of leaf mold, and the 1 or 2 inch
surface layer is darker than the material below, owing to its greater
content of organic matter. On cultivation this layer becomes mixed
with the soil to plow depth. From 8 to 14 inches the material is
yellow silt loam and from 14 to 21 inches it is dull reddish-brown
sticky clay or clay loam containing considerable sand and gravel.
Between depths of 21 inches and 3 or 4 feet there is brownish-gray
clayey gravel with small waterworn stones. The next lower material
is grayish waterworn stratified gravel and sand, with which is ad-
mixed much limestone material. The chief variation in mapped
areas is in the depth to the gravel, which may range from 18 inches
to 3 feet.
  The soil material is water-laid, and the areas occur as stream ter-
races or small outwash plains. The surface material is commonly
slightly acid or in places neutral, but the deep subsoil contains an
abundance of lime.
  This soil is inextensive and patchy in occurrence. It is most exten-
sive along East Twin and West Twin Rivers northwest of Two
Rivers. Some areas are in Schleswig Town in the southwestern
corner of the county, chiefly along Sheboygan River, and a few small
areas are along other streams of the county. Tracts are level or very
gently undulating, and natural drainage is good except where the sift
covering over the gravel is more than 3 feet deep. In such places
drainage may be somewhat deficient.
  This is a good soil, though it is of minor importance because of it-
small extent. It is devoted chiefly to general farming and dairying
with the Kewaunee, Bellefontaine, and Superior soils, with which it is
                            FOX LOAM
  Where cultivated the surface soil of Fox loam to a depth of 8 inches
consists of brown medium loam. This is underlain to a depth of 15
inches by yellowish-brown loam beneath which, to a depth of 24
inches, is brown gravelly loam containing some clay. The next lower
material is brownish-yellow stratified, calcareous sand and gravel.
The depth to the gravel and sand is somewhat variable.
  This soil is inextensive and of minor importance. It occurs along
Manitowoc River, chiefly in the town of Manitowoc Rapids, and in
small patches in southwestern Kossuth and eastern Newton Towns.