A Brazilian Collection
HE South American Indian is not as gen-
Terally well known as his brother of North
America and specimens of his handiwork
are never plentiful.  A collection of war
implements, feather dresses and bead work
has been on exhibit inNewYork at theHyde
Exploring Expedition Curio Room that is
only equaled by that in the great Berlin
Museum.    The collection was owned by
William Beverly Harrison of New York
but through the generosity of the Duc de Loubat, is now in
the possession of the American Museum of Natural History,
and is of great interest to curio collectors.
A brief description of the region in which these curios
were collected may not be out of place. The Amazon River
originates in the little lake Lauricocha which lies in a rugged
hollow like the crater of an extinct volcano near the silver
mines of Cerro Pasco among the Andes Mountains and flows
a distance of 2740 miles-in a straight line 2050 miles, and
with its tributaries draining an area nearly half again as great
as that drained by the Mississippi. The river is navigable by
the largest vessels nearly to the base of the Andes and vessels
of smaller size can travel along its affluents through Ecuador
and through Peru. Our own Hudson is four miles wide at
its broadest point. The Amazon at a point 2,000 miles from
its mouth is one and a half miles wide. At the entrance of
the Madeira it is three miles wide; below Santa Rem 10 miles
and at Para, its mouth, it is 180 miles in width. This "Med-
iterranean of the New Wbrld" as the Brazilians properly