and of the hundred specimens no two are alike, but many
contain the form of the owl-the bird of wisdom. Upon
a shelf of fret work the pottery of the Zuni, the Hopi,
San Ildefonso, Maricopa and Navajo of modern make and
quaint design stand guard over rare specimens of prehistoric
ware dug from mounds in New Mexico and Arizona. To
take article by article of this rare collection and describe
its beauties would be to write a volume. It is a museum
in itself and to the ethnologist affords a rich treat and to
the layman a lesson in the almost unknown study of the art
of an interesting people we are pleased to term savages.
Kept at Home
N last month's Papoose mention was made of the
valuable collection of Brazilian materials on ex-
hibition in New York and the hope expressed
that the collection as a whole might remain in
this city. This was made possible through the
generosity of a gentleman well known to scien-
tific peopleof both continents, the Duc de Loubat.
In spite of the fact that his own inclination leads him to
make Mexican research an almost exclusive study he departed
from this line that the collection from the Xingu of South
America might remain intact in the American Museum of
Natural History.
The Duc de Loubat (Joseph F. Loubat) has been a liberal
and intelligent patron of science. He has given over
$250,000.00 for the study of Americana alone. He has estab-
lished a chair of Anthropology in the University of Berlin and
another in the College of France. Prizes for Anthropological
research have been given by this enthusiast in Paris, Berlin,
Madrid, New York, and Sweden. He enriched Columbia
University of this city by a gift of $1,000,000.00. He has
been interested in Mexican Exploration work for several years
and has defrayed expenses for archaeological research in
that country, the work being done by Mr. Marshall H. Saville
of the American Museum of Natural History, the material
going to that institution. In connection with his Mexican
work he has published reproductions of the ancient Mexican
picture writings on maguey-paper and deer skin, known as
Codices. Seven of these wonderful keys to the culture of
the ancient people have thus been placed in the hands of
students for comparative study and through the good offices
of this gentleman an eighth has been added to the list.
The Brazilian collection is his second gift to the Museum
since the Congress of Americanists.