shell with a white decoration of a reversed tomahawk made
from the same shell. These beads are of uniform size of one
eighth of an inch in diameter by a length of one quarter to
three eighths of an inch, tediously bored with drills of flint
and rounded by rubbing on sand stone. The belt contains
about fifteen hundred beads and is a monument to the in-
dustry of the patient squaw. The belt was given to Mr. Kep-
pler in trust for the tribe to whom it belonged. A life sized
figure in full costume gives a perfect knowledge of the use of
all the articles of dress and ornament made by the aborigine
and stands guard over the huge fireplace where on chilly
evenings a cheerful blaze sheds a mellowed light over the
room. Vests of buckskin, solidly beaded and worked out in
designs symbolizing the prowess of the warriors who wore
them, hang side by side with marvelously decorated papoose
carriers. Blanket straps with coloring that shows the Indian
in his most artistic vein, some with designs in turquoise
blue and wine colored beads, others in soft greens and yel-
lows, hang upon the wall on every side. The Katchina of
the Hopi, lends an additional color to the walls, while over
the tall glass case of priceless bead work is grouped a
collection of baskets from Alaska in the north to New
Mexico in the south.   Here again Mr. Keppler has
shown the same care in selection as in his bead collection.
Not a basket but what contains some symbol that has its
meaning. The dainty feathered Pomo, the Tulare, brown and
rich with age, the Hoonah of Alaska, with its fret of Greek
design, the Apache with its story of the hunt, close round the
romantic and mysterious Medicine basket of the Navajo. Nor
is the Mission basket of California missing for several fine
specimens of the Cahuilla of Southern California, from Sabo-
ba, made famous in story by Helen Hunt Jackson are classified
with the baskets of the Manzanitas, the makers of which,
hounded from pillar to post by land grabbers, sought the moun-
tains bare and rocky save for stunted chapparel of manzanita
and mountain mahogany, tediously constructed from the ma-
terials at hand these wonderful baskets of the once powerful
Dieguanos. In an alcove stands a mortar for the crushing
of corn, three feet in height by eighteen inches in diameter,
with its heavy wooden pestles -the grist mill of the Iroquois.
Its worn, hollowed center speaks of many bushels of corn
that have been crushed into meal to feed the long since dead
and forgotten red man.  Of silver work the Navajo has
furnished a collection of bracelets, concho buttons, bow
string guards and belts of linked disks hammered from Mex-
ican coins and graven with signs and symbols. The Iroquois
furnish a fine collection of earrings and brooches, fashioned
to represent birds and beasts, the council fire and the planets,