the practice of sending Indian children to public schools
would do away with the reservation schools and consider-
ably reduce the attendance at the non-reservation schools.
The above article appeared in the New York Times of
November 25th and bears directly on the subject in several
points, but the great factor is overlooked, whether intention-
ally or accidentally we know not. The Santee Sioux have
long passed the uncivilized state and their children are un-
doubtedly fitted to take their places among the children of
white parentage in our educational institutions, but how long
has this fitting been taking place ? Would the children of the
Navajos, Pimas, Papagos, Apaches, Hopi, Zuni or dozens
of other tribes we could enumerate be able to take their
places in our public schools ? Would the writer of that
article allow his children to attend the same school with the
poor little half-clothed, half-washed Indian boy that is now
rolling around in the dirt before his father's tepee. We
think not.  The first steps of education must begin at home
in the reservation school, fitting the child for association
with white children in matters of cleanliness of habit that
does not now exist among them, nor will it exist until the
home life is entirely changed. That will take the same length
of time that has been expended in bringing the Santee Sioux
to the point of pride in his offspring that prompts him to
resent the unjust descrimination. Keep up the reservation
school, but make it more effectual. Do not simply aim to
expend the appropriation but strive to obtain results.
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