We have a number of good baskets from this section. The Thomp-
son and Frazier River are well known for their beauty and utility.
Prices from $2.50 to $25.
We have numbers of old baskets of all tribes which are essentially
for the museum or collector. We will be pleased to correspond with
any one who desires old baskets from any tribe. If we have not such
in stock we can procure it, as we make it an object to keep track of all
rare weaves that are, or probably will be for sale, thus enabling the
collector to complete his collection.
Of this dainty line of basketry we have a large assortment from
the Michigan, Canadian and Northern Maine Indians. These baskets
are much sought after on account of their daintiness and utility, mak-
ing ideal handkerchief boxes and small scrap baskets, the lasting fra-
grance of the material adding to their interest. It would be impossible
to list the variety of sizes, shapes and prices of these baskets. Hand-
some handkerchief boxes range from 75c. to $1.50. Baskets suitable
for trinkets or spool boxes can be had from 50c. to $1.00; hair-pin
receivers, hair-receivers, scissors-holders, glove boxes at prices from
25c. to $2. We also have a variety of articles in birch bark, including
jewelry-boxes, canoes, etc., ornamented with porcupine quills, moose
hair and sweet grass.
We have a large assortment of bead-work from all Western tribes--
Apache, Sioux, Piutes, Winnebagos and Black Foot. Handsome bead
vests on buckskin, sinew sewed, from $25 to $50 ; these are perfect in
design and of a variety of patterns. Beaded leggins can be had from
$5 to $7.50 per pair. Moccasins from $1.50 to $5. Pouches, knife
sheaths, amulet bags, peace pipe bags, belts, armlets, head-dresses,
sheaths, garters, in fact, everything appertaining to the Indian in the
bead-work line. These pieces are not made for trade, and are pur-
chased direct from the Indians; most of them have seen service, which
makes them more valuable to the collector. We can guarantee the
genuineness of everything in this line.
We have a great quantity of porcupine quill work in pouches,
baby-carriers, moccasins, leggings, and head-ornaments. We can sup-
ply these to the collector at remarkably low figures considering their
The moccasin is without question the most suitable covering for
the foot, being easy at all times, and as a house slipper has no equal.
We have these in a variety of sizes and styles, handsomely decorated
with porcupine quills, moose hair in colors, also trimmed with fur,
from the dainty baby moccasin at 75c., the children's at $1.00, ladies'
and misses' at $1.50 to the substantial men's sizes at $2.00. These
moccasins are light and can be sent by mail on approval. In ordering,
write plainly the size of the shoe worn, or give foot measurement.