A Rare Collection

T Inwood, surrounded by grand old trees,
commanding an enchanting view of the
A     noble Hudson, stands the residence of
Joseph Keppler.  If you are fortunate
enough to be counted among his friends
you will be cordially welcomed to its hos-
pitality and become lost in wonder at, and
admiration for, the treasures it contains.
Quaint old colonial furniture, solid and
substantial monuments to the building of
ancestors long since dead and gone, rare paintings and old
china, works of art gathered in lands across the sea meet the
eye on every side, but in a room, especially planned and
constructed by Mr. Keppler, in a gable overlooking the
sloping lawn, is placed the collection that is the subject of this
article. In this room, surrounded by an almost priceless
collection of Indian works of art, is where he studies and
works and entertains his friends. Mr. Keppler began some
years ago to collect materials for this room and although but
little experienced in such matters, his artistic nature chose
objects that appealed to that nature. Each article had to him
some meaning and in the study of that meaning he saw a
wonderful field for the collector. With his usual thorough-
ness he dug deep into aboriginal lore and when books failed
him he went among the red men and studied their myths
and mysteries, even so far as to unite with them in their
tribal customs and became a member of one of the strongest
clans of the Senecas. The name Gy-ant-wo-ka, (the corn-
planter) was given him by his red brothers and among his
possessions none is so highly prized as the scroll of
brotherhood, with its upturned horns of Wampum, that oc-
cupies the place of honor in his study. To him their rites
and ceremonies are sacred. They breathe not of Paganism,
but of brotherly love and constancy. He has weighed them
and found not one wanting. Our illustrations give but a
faint conception of the beauties of this collection with its
wealth of color and originality of design. The floors, car-
peted with the marvelous work of the Navajo, rich with warm
coloring, and the walls thickly covered with articles of dress
and ornament, implements of war and for the chase.
Beautifully beaded moccasins, pipe bags, belts, papoose car-
riers, leggins, sheaths for the hunting knife and hundreds
of smaller articles are artistically grouped for the best
effect. In one corner a glass case contains some of the
finest pieces of woven bead work that it has been the writer's