:e is heard the sound of a hymn and churchbells.)
ildren, stop your quarrels and noise - it is Sunday  Lna     u
does -ot go with sound of Glorias, all the week you have for scr
...  icl his hands over his rake)  Sunday is the Lord's own day'.
enters and is greeted   7 i....           .
rdure" - "Come here o."t
2 eph whistles loudl       - ,

What';sm    es
Nothing for little chiliz_
How are things going with
-s they go with an old soldier when we have   ece:       l.
from hand to mouth a.
-ad grow fat doing it.
0 well, my master is           r                      c     rs
-uir of shoes with buckles, something in vests and three or four sades.
hy then you have no trouble in taking care of your master's wardrch .
but think of the creditors'    We live in the third story and here
stair and the baggage sinF -. -          h   z m-s*er.
Ye,. '     t        71 .'2



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