
--re Jo.

110wso - Wy
(warding them off ) That's a secret - a State secret!
A secret? Then tell ust
That would never dot It would be treason'    But when we turn out.
Dou'll see - We'll  i          ell cla thing u.
'hat will we sea
What will you clen
Yes, - indeed we'll clean thiL      -
Is something doing? Where? - - -
Everywheret   Trouble is brewing - - the rascals are growing bol:1
nere was an uprising at Nancy - another at   i .1,     l1
Lyons, mobsa t MeI dli n   i        ren     .
- because the meat prices have gone up - the e  s
chickens and the cows drink all the milk themselves -
although everybody has a goat, it doesn't give milk - becease
to wet-nurses are on strike - because - well some has got       e
uone.     -Tow I haven't given it Eawa -a,  It's a State secret -

'hy of course - it is safe with n.
1       lovely mistress Denicazl
the top of her lungs n- cu
ilave you a message for Ladame Deni"<
very brief ma: