1st musical number.
-  &ure is loud noise in the inn, steadily Srowing, the

bles back into the >     .
. -ther battle won.
How many does tL        .
Ord.   One battle per C.
et     But no bloody oL .--
Laverd.   Oho, - a dozen vv,             .
e war-story is to be interrupted 'y various intrpolation.
- :as in one war twice - once before the the battle and. once
se were great times, ,h yes, great times'.   Reminds me of stratej

inst EnglL.nd.  y father, ,arqu:,;.
rigI-.  ~      -   -
r  .1 c
21h fe C
right wing v;- c:        ico      6,   -   ic    -   c        t r
--c            L..                               U -.'.  ~ s ~
t time I was a siTle lieutenant. The Erglish were in front of us
ir tre-nches.   e were lust having black coffee, when my father sais.
ng."r The Irince said: "1 ui
take the lead!" Suddenly - 1"