Denise and Conde, who come on arm in arm, laugching, she pointing to t'
.en bock which she holds and mocking him as they pass him.    In goir
zaise throws him the book. 1He accompanies the music with silent actTc.
.odulations in the orchestra with unchang'ing spasmodic
I  I   ~             4 te


I ruai ned myself fr
1onsenset Le ve Macame
Ladame may have commands f'-     .
Chevalier - you stay here,
.ha - I am the ZMajor Dome of t- ad
ad I the Prefect of the lolice of -..>.         l
t7.he Irince remainrs undistur.;ed wh j Sjas  es l

0 Lord!
y chief duty of my office, Chevaliert   a[nd I assure you that his Highness
rince Conde has often given me opportunaity to fulf ill my dAty.  LC scu
ae my gray hairs, Chevalier?    I got them in the service of the Trince.
hope you are in the Accident Imsurance  my po-r frien.    You tcc love
ourself in your employer's servic
-or weeks I have been guarding       l11i   -

