CHAP. V. Pompeian Ornament.
Plate. No.
23 1 Collection of Borders from different Edifices in Pompeii.
24  2 Ditto Pilasters and Friezes     ditto.
25  3 Mosaics from Pompeii and the Museum at Naples.
CHAP. VI. Roman Ornament.
26  1 Roman Ornaments from Casts in the Crystal Palace.
27  2 Ditto from the Museo Bresciano..
CHAP. VII. Byzantine Ornament.
28  1 Carved Byzantine Ornaments.
29  2 Painted       ditto.
29* 2*Ditto         ditto.
30  3 Mosaics.
CHAP. VIII. Arabian Ornament.
31  1 Arabian Ornaments of the Ninth Century from Cairo.
32  2 Ditto                  Thirteenth Century ditto.
33  3 Ditto                        ditto       ditto.
34  4 Portion of an Illuminated Copy of the " Koran."
35  5 Mosaics from Walls and Pavements from Houses in Cairo.
CHAP. IX. Turkish Ornament.
36  1 Ornaments in Relief from Mosques, Tombs, and Fountains at Constantinople.
37  2 Painted Ornaments from the Mosque of Soliman at Constantinople.
38  3 Decoration of the Dome of the Tomb of Soliman I. at Constantinople.
CHAP. X. Moresque Ornament from the Alhambra.
39  1 Varieties of Interlaced Ornaments.
40  2 Spandrils of Arches.
41  3 Lozenge Diapers.
41* 3*Ditto    ditto.
42  4 Square Diapers.
42* 4'Ditto   ditto.
42t 4tDitto   ditto.
43  5 Mosaics.
CHAP. XI.     Persian Ornament.
44  1 Ornaments from Persian MSS. in the British Museum.
45  2 Ditto                   ditto.
46  3 Ditto                   ditto.
47  4 From a Persian Manufacturer's Pattern-Book, South Kensington Museum.
47* 4*Ditto                 ditto                 ditto.
48  5 From a Persian MS., South Kensington Museum.