Report of Secretary


           December 9, 1914, to January 19, 1916.

Membership at close of session Dec. 11, 1914____________- 68
Memberships added during the year------------------- 126

      Total membership ---------------------------- 194

Proceedings published      -        -                  2,000
Mailed -770
Sent to advertisers------------------------- 180
Sent to Nev York and Iowa in exchange for
  their publications                          450      1,400

      On hand-                                         . 600

  There is due from advertisers $41.00, but there is an outstand-
ing indebtedness of $126.57, due chiefly to the committee on leg-
islation for their travelling expenses necessitated by their work at
the last session of the legislature.  We need $28.07 to balance
all accounts for the year.
                   Respectfully submitted,
                                          E. R. JoN-Es,

  It was moved, seconded and carried that the reports of the
treasurer and secretary be laid over until the accounts were aud-
ited. D. H. Pratt, A. W. Dibble and A. B. Larson were placed
on the auditing committee.
  The policy of the secretary in distributing freely copies of the
Proceedings among non-members as well as members was unani-
mously approved.