Wisconsin State Drainage Association


  1. No bids or proposals will be considered unless accom-
panied by a guaraitty, executed in an amount equal to 3%  of
the amount of the bid, but in ito case shall a guaranty of more
than $500 be required, and all guaranties shall be subject to
the approval of the commissioners. The guaranty shall be con-
sidered as liquidated damages and be forfeited to the district
in case the contractor shall refuse or fail to enter into a con-
tract as provided in these specifications, after acceptance of his
bid by 'the commissioners.
  2. The bids and guaranties shall be enclosed in a sealed en-
velope and endorsed "Commissioners of ...................
Drainage District," "Bids for Construction" and delivered
the office, of their attorneys . ....................... of
............................ Wisconsin.
  3. Bids may be submitted as follows:
       A. For the construction of the entire work included in
                   the Specifications.
             (a) Amount per cubic yard for excavation of earth.
             (b) Amount per cubic yard for excavation of ledge
             (c) Amount for removal and replacement of all the
                   bridges and construction of all culverts spe-
                   cifically mentioned in and subject to the con-
                   ditions of Section XX of? the specifications.
       B. For the construction of the Main Ditch.
             (a) Amount per cubic yard for excavation of
             (b) Amount per cubic yard for excavation of ledge
       C. For the construction of all lateral ditches.
             (a) Amount per cubic yard for excavation of
             (b) Amount per lineal rod of ditch constructed.