Drainage Specifications-Lucas

drainage district should contain a paragraph making it incum-
bent upon the contractor to fully protect the public in such way
as shall be satisfactory to the commissioners and further protect
the district by making the contractor and his sureties liable for
any failure to so protect the public.


                           LEDE ROCK.
   In case ledge ronk is encountered in the construction of said
 work, the same shall be removed upon the terms provided in the

   While many districts do not contain any ledge rock neverthe-
 less a careful survey should be made to determine whether ledge
 rock is likely to be encountered in constructing the ditches. Al-
 though the survey may not show the presence of ledge rock, it is
 occasionally encountered and for that reason lower bids may be
 received, if the specifications ask for a separate figure for the re-
 moval of such rock rather than leave it as one of the undeter-
 mined hazards to be borne by tbe contractor if met with in con-
 structing the ditches.

  The contractor shall remove all fences, the, moving of which
shall be necessary in the construction of said proposed wtork, and
shall not cover up, destroy, or do unnecessary dcimage to same.

  The contractor is on the ground with a force of men and he is
the logical man to see that the fences are kept in repair.


                  -SUPERINTENDING OF WORK.
  1. Directions shall be give# in tbriting by the commissioners to
the contractor, if present on the work, or to his superintendent
or foreman in his absence, and such directions shall be received
and obeyed the same as if given to the Contractor.