Wisconsin Drainage Districts

STARKWEATHER-Dane County; 3,000 acres; $30,500; G. E.
    Brown-Geo. C. Riley-A. K. Reindahl, Madison.
 SToKEs-Green County; .1,500 acres; $8,000; Ed Ross-Lee
    Bright, Brodhead; Ole P. Gaarder, Orfordville.
 THREE LAKXs-Oneida County; 4,000 acres; $30,000; C. G.
    Kuney-H. N. Aldrich-Ray Parette, Three Lakes.
 TREMPEALEAU-Thempealeau County; 6,500 acres; $75,000;
    Wm. Merwin, Trempealeau; Henry Roettiger, Fountain
    City; Ben Davis, Galesville.
#TROY-Walworth County; 4,000 acres; $40,000; C. H. Nott-
    Geo. B. Cain, Elkhorn; Walter E. Babcock, Honey Creek.
 TURTLE CREEK-Walworth County; 3,300 acres; $47,000; H.
    D. Barnes,-Charles Dunlap, Elkhorn; John Meadows,
 UNION-Rock County; 1,175 ares; $9,550; F. M. Ames-Wal-
    lace Crocker-Gilbert Amidon, Brooklyn.
#WILLow VALLEY-Waupaca County; 1,680 acres; $5,360; 0. R.
    Schwantes-Albert Kuschel-Geo. W. Schlimke, Clinton-
    ,ville, R. 2.
 *WOOD COUNTY-Wood County; 5,000 acres; $35,000; B. G.
    Chandos-Chas. Bender, Grand Rapids-H. H. Helke, Ne-
 YORKVILLE AND RAYMOND-Racine County; 4,250 acres; $49,-
    000 completed; $5,000 contemplated; A. A. Fritchen-Hans
    Kastensen, Franksville; A. P. Nelson, Union Grove.

  These are the fifty-seven drainage districts in Wisconsin of
which records are available. They embrace about 520,000 acres
and represent an expenditure of nearly $3,200,000.
  Twenty-six districts with a total- expenditure of $1,165,000
average in classified expenditures as follows:
      Construction -------------------- ,86 per cent
      Engineering --------------------  4 per cent
      Administration ------------------ 10 per cent
  The other thirty-one districts have not reported their classi-
fied expenditures.
  There are about 40 districts representing about 50,000 acres
and expenditures of about $500,000 for which petitions have been