184         Wisconsin State Drainage Association

   That the name of the proposed town drain is the___________

   That the following are the names and addresses of the land
 owners concerned, as we verily believe:

   That --------------------------------- caused the
preliminary survey to be made upon which the plans have been
based and

  That the cost of said survey was -----------paid to ---------

  Finally we ask your honorable body to lay out and construct
with due diligence and speed the town drain hereinbefore de-
scribed, subject to the minor changes thbat the final survey made
by your engineer may prove to be advisable. In testimony of our
desires we hereunto affix our signatures.

  3. The petition must be signed by six or more land owners
in the town. One or more of the signers must own land affected
by the drain. If the proposed drain lies in more than one town
a petition must be signed by six land owners in each of the towns
  4. The town board fixes a day for a hearing and all land own-
ers affected are notified.
  5. The town board views the land and hears complaints. They