
List of Figures
Figure 1.1. Bedrock elevation map, showing location of the Troy Valley in Walworth and
W aukesha  Counties, W  isconsin  ...........................................................................  2
Figure 1.2. Project location, shows approximate extent of the Troy Valley ...................... 3
Figure 1.3. Hydrostratigraphic column for southeastern Wisconsin ............................5
Figure 1.4. Feinstein et al. (2005) model extent, including near and far fields ................6
Figure 1.5. West to East cross section through Waukesha and Milwaukee Counties showing
the bedrock geology, including the Waukesha Fault ...............................................10
Figure 1.6. Distribution of Pleistocene stratigraphic units in southeastern Wisconsin ..........12
Figure 2.1. Distribution of 11,844 wells in the Troy buried valley area ..........................16
Figure 2.2. Map showing location of cross sections and surface water bodies ................... 17
Figure 2.3. Cross Section E-E', bisects Vernon Marsh .............................................18
Figure 2.4. Photo of EM-31 at the west side of Vernon Marsh ..................................19
Figure 2.5. Air photo of Vernon Marsh, EM-31 transects and WK-1301 locations ............. 21
Figure 2.6. Comparison of gamma radiation and boring logs for WK-1301 ...................22
Figure 2.7. Sensitivity of storage coefficient (S) ...................................................... 26
Figure 2.8. Sensitivity of aquifer thickness (b) in feet .............................................27
Figure 2.9. Well logs displayed as cylinders in 3D space .........................................29
Figure 2.10. 2-2 Horizontal-Vertical Model results displayed at the (a) surface and at (b)
400  ft  depth  ............................................................................................. ... 33
Figure 2.11. 1-100 Horizontal-Vertical Model results displayed at the (a) surface and at (b)
400 ft depth..........................................................34
Figure 2.12. Comparison of cross section A-A' to the solid hydrostratigraphic model .......35
Figure 2.13. Graphical representation of hydraulic conductivity ranges chosen to separate
the model into four distinct hydrofacies ................................................... 36