Figure 4.10.
Calibrated Vernon Marsh model
water table map. Contour interval
is 2 f, with head values in ft amsl.
Red arrows indicate direction of
groundwater flow.

Table 4.5. Water budgets for the Vernon Marsh model. Marsh sections are listed from
upstream to downstream. Total inflow and outflow, as well as individual components are
given for each marsh section. The final row, gw %, is the percent of the total inflow or
outflow that is from groundwater.
Upper Section        Middle Section       Lower Section
Component    In (fta/d)  Out (ft3/d)  In (ft3/d)  Out (ft3/d)  In (ft3/d)  Out (ft3/d)
Evaporation            9.63 x 104           6.82 x 104            6.02 x 5
Precipitation  1.00 x 105         7.1  104              6.27 x 10'
Surface Flow  2.67x106 2.92x106 2.94x106     3.28x 106  3.30x106  .02xI1T
Groundwater 2.51x10    4.02x10   2.20x10       _       150x 10  7.85x 103
Total     3.02x106 3.02x106 3.23x 106     3.35 x 106  5.43 x10  5.63x10
_ w %   1 8.3 %      0.13%      6.8%       0%         28%      0.14%