_l                    Figure 4.5.
Surface water features in first layer
of Vernon Marsh model. Cells
using the Lake Package indicated by
blue cells, SFR Package by green,
,b 1 .1"0  /.I   and River Package by pink. Orange
Vernon Marsh "--      ion                arrow indicates the reach of the Fox
r               River where sewage treatment flux
 ,r"   /      was added to the stream.
the slope of the stream channel, which were set to 0.03 and 0.001, respectively, for all
streams. Discharge into the Fox River from the sewage treatment plant were accounted for
by putting 1.81 x 106 ft3/d (Krohelski, personal communication) into the first node of the Fox
River (Fig 4.5), which is the average flux of effluent discharged. The Lake Package was
used to simulate Vernon Marsh in three sections in order to represent the Fox River flowing
through the marsh. All Lake Package cells were located exclusively in layer 1. Initial stream
and marsh stages were based on topographic maps and data from the Wisconsin Department