Safety Efficiency Economy
for use on FRUIT, FLOWERS
A Non-Poisonous Powder, readily
soluble in cold water; cheap, effici-
ent and effective.
The approved Insecticide for use
on Horses, Cattle, Dogs, etc.
A certain cure for Parasitic Mange,
Lice and other parasites.
As supplied to the British Army.
Agents Wanted
Sole Manufacturers and Patentees
McDougall Brothers,1'Ltd.
Pont Street


-   England

efforts towards developing markets have
not kept pace with efforts towards increased
production. In the future the marketing
end must receive more attention, which
means more organized effort. The question
of quality is likely to be a greater factor in
the future in the markets of Great Britain
than ever before. For some years at least
the prices paid for apples are likely to be
satisfactory. Peach growing in the Niagara
Peninsula, he considered, offered great in-
ducements, provided market facilities are
increased according to the increased pro-
duction. In the case of grapes, he thought
that if care is observed in the marketing
of matured fruit and an organized effort is
put forth to widen distribution the consump-
tion should -increase sufficiently to largely
offset the recent legislation prohibiting the
manufacture and sale of wine after April
30th next. A further reference to this re-
pert will be published later.
An interesting address dealing with gen-
eral subjects, including good roads and farm
surveys, was given by Dr. G. C. Creelman.
At a meeting of the express committee held
after the convention  a resolution  was
passed recommending the Ontario Fruit
Growers' Association to send a representa-
tive to the session of the Dominion Board
of Railway Commissioners to be held in
Nova Scotia, to receive evidence in regard
to the proposed increase in express rates.
Ste. Anne DeBellevue Society
The annual meeting of the Ste. Anne de
Bellevue Horticultural Society was held on
the evening of February 7th at Macdonald
College, Que. Reports, of the work carried
on during the year were read and showed
the splendid progress this society has made
since its inception three years ago. During
the year 16 meetings were held, including a
general annual exhibition in September, a
tulip and pansy exhibition, a sweet pea
show and a chrysanthemum show. The pro-
gramme was arranged with a view to plac-
ing chief emphasis on vegetable production,
and many papers and demonstrations were
given dealing with this subject. In addition,
addresses were given on the rose, the
gladioli, the peony and ornamental shrubs.
Mr. W. T. Macoun, Dominion Horticulturist,
and Mr. F. E. Buck, Specialist ir  an -
Gardening, both of Ottawa; Mr. T. F.
Ritchie, Lennoxville Experimental Station,
Que.; Mr. E. H. Stephenson, Montreal West,
and Mr. B. H. Farr, Wyomissing, Pa., a
peony specialist, assisted in the programme,
and in addition a number of the staff of
Macdonald College and members of the
Auction sales were held at two of the
exhibitions, and the proceeds donated to
the Local Order of Victorian Nurses, $81.34,
and the Montreal Children's Memorial Hos-
pital, $56.10.
War gardens were' a feature of the so-
ciety's work, and a large area of vacant
land was brought under cultivation and the
crops were generally good. Excursions and
demonstrations were held at different dates,
when the members had an opportunity of
comparing notes.   A  pleasant Saturday
afternoon excursion was held in June to the
estates of Mr. R. B. Angus, Mr. James Mor-
gan and Mr. F. C. Morgan, of Senneville.
Durifng the year a large number of op.
tions  of seeds and plants of vegetables
flowers and shrubs were distributed to the
members, and through this action of the
society in distributing the best seeds and
plants of the best varieties much good ha.

been accomplished. The membership now
numbers 160, and the society is in a very
thriving and active state. The election of
officers for 1919 resulted as follows:- Pre-
sident, T. G. Roe; Vice-President, Miss
Kruse; Sec.-Treas., E. M. Ricket.
Mr. G. H. M. Baker, of Lindsay, a director of
the Ontario Horticultural Society ird past
president of the Lindsay Society, has suc-
ceeded in forming a Horticultural sceiety at
Fenelon Falls. This society will start off
with a membership of ninety. It has ar-
ranged to give a year's subscription to The
Canadian Horticulturist and other prem-
iums to all its members.

75 % of Ontario Apple
Orchards are Gone
British and Local Mar-
kets Demand Canadian
An Apple Orchard is Now
the Investment of the
Plan Now for Spring
Catalogue and Orchard Infor-
mation sent on application.
Stone &Wellington
The Fonthill Nurseries
Established 1837
Toronto - - Ontario
$4800 A YEAR                  aisi'n'
Rufus Red Belgian Hares and FlomishAliant
Rabbit.  We furnish high grade stock and pay
$7.00 a Pair. ua -press charges, for all
you aifofioe.We need 3OO0weokly. Oat nor
FREE BOOKtelling howtofeed,breedandlouse.
Get started rignt.  Don't breed  common rabbits.

March, 1919.

Improved Farm Root Seeds
Improved Vegetable Seeds
Improved Flower Seeds
Seedsmen please enquire for our SPECIAL PRICES
KELWAY & SON, s.whol ale
Seed Growers