Advertisements in this department inserted at the rate of 15 cents a line,
each line averaging seven words. Part lines count as whole lines, minimum
of two lines accepted. Strictly cash in advance.

WANTED-a yard of 50 to 100 colonies of bees
for cash. Send particulars to Dr. C. J. Devins,
St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Ont.
BEES AND QUEENS-Bees in pound packages
and queens from the South will be in greater
demand this year thd*   ever before. This
season slpells opportunity for every beekeeper.
Book your orders early. Geo. W. Brown,
Lynnhurst Apiary, Wilson, Wis.
BEES FOR SALE-Prize Italians of Dr. C. C.
Miller's famous honey gathering strain in ten
frame Langstroth standard hives. Write for
prices and particulars.  D. E. McDonald,
Rutland, B.C.
'SHE SUITS ME."-Italian queens, untested,
$1.15 each. For 10 or more, $1.00 each. Allen
Latham, Norwichtown, Conn., U.S.A.
FOR SALE-Hardy Italian queens, the busy
kind, no culls, must please. W. G. Lauver,
Middletown, Pa., Route 3.
WANTED-Five to twenty-five colonies of bees;
also supers, etc. Box 381, Dundas, Ontario.
FOR SALE-66 colonies of bees, sugar fed in
fall, packed in winter cases; 145 supers filled
with comb; 4 frame extractor; uncapping can;
4 storing cans, wax press, honey pails.
Everything in perfect readiness for spring
work. If buyer would like to start beekeep-
ing here, would sell or rent land and could
have use of honey house. This is an ideal
location for bees, only a few minutes walk to
station. Sacrifice on account of death. Mrs.
J. F. Orishaw, Hastings, Ontario.
GARDENER WANTED-To take charge of city
parks, London, Canada.   Apply to E. V.
Buchanan, General Manager, Public Utilities
Commission, London, Ontario.
MAN WANTED to take charge of young
orchard, Eastern Ontario, by April first. Box
20, Canadian Horticulturist, Peteboro.
FOR SALE-One 'hundred new Langstroth ten-
frame supers and hives, metal spaced frames,
medium brood foundation, in part or all
together, at a bargain. E. L. Patchet,
Weston, Ontario.
DRAWN COMBS FOR SALE-Trhat offers in
ten frame hives; no disease. Write Box 45,
The Canadian Horticulturist and Beekeeper,
Peteriboro, Ontario.
BEEKEEPERS-Please write for our Catalog.
Write to-day for special prices on honey
pails. Morgan's Supply House, London.
FOR SALE-600 colonies Italian bees, 1,600
supers, drawn combs, 500 lbs. foundation,
ZOO lbs. wax, covered motor truck, 2 six-comb
friction drive extractors, gas engine, 600 ex-
cluders, 150 four-colony winter cases, one
straining can, holds 1,800 lbs. and will strain
12,000 lbs. without changing the cheesecloth,
1 extracting and storage building, 42 x 47 ft.
One large size Sibbald wax press, one 3
inch honey pump. One of the best locations
in Canada goes with the bees. Everything
must be sold. Am retiring from business.
C. D. McIntyre, Woodbridge, York Co., Ont.
FOR SALE-Comb foundation. Light and
medium brood. Address R. F. Holtermann,
Brantford, Ontario.
WANTED-Good two-frame Cowan or Rever-
sible  extractor.  State  price.  Garfield
Stewart, Glasgow Station, Ontario.

ALL KINDS OF FARMS-Fruit farms a speci-
alty. Write, stating requirements. W. B.
Calder, Grimsby.
C. KEUR & SONS, Hillegom, Holland. Bulbs
of all descriptions. Write for prices. New
York Branch, 8-10 Bridge St.
YOU WANT "Reliable Seeds," get our Seed
Price List and Save Money. Morgan's Sup-
ply House, London.
FOR SALE-Cuthbert, Marlboro, Everbearing Red; and
Cumberland  Raspberries, Currants, Gooseberries,
Ornamental Stock . also Spruce, Cedar, Pine, Privet
and Barberry for hedges.-JoHN DOWNHAM, Strathroy,
SAVE MONEY-Get our Spraying and Garden
Supply Catalogue. Morgan's Supply House,
WANTED.-Green apple logs, 13" and oven, in
diameter, 3 and up in length. Agents wanted
to secure this material. Henry Disston &
Sons, Inc., Tacony, Philadelphia, Pa.
ANYONE KNOWING the whereabouts of
Charles W. Cummings, otherwise called Charles
W. La.Hue, please communicate with the un-
dersigned. A reward of $5.00 given for such in-
formation. Cummings has one arm, is about
50 years old, of stocky build, with black hair
and moustache. Former inmate of Rochester
State Hospital. Sarah Cummings, 13 Elwood
Bldg., Rochester, N.Y.
Ten Cactus varieties .......... $1.00
Ten Show and Fancy varieties 1.00
'Ien Decorative varieties ...... 1.00
Ten Peony Flowered varieties.. 1.00
Ten Pompon varieties ........ 1.00
Ten  of  all  classes  .............  1.00
Twenty-five mixed varieties. $1.00 by express.
Send for catalogue, over 200 varieties.
MRS. C. DOUGLASS, Buctouche, N.B.
I have nothing but praise for The Cana-
dian Horticulturist as I have learned more
from the Floral Edition than from any
books on the same subject. Enclosed is
$1.00 and the names of two new subscrib-
ers.-W. Burden, Kingston, Ont.

March, 191J.

years in that the returns for apples market-
ed locally have helped to tide over the
period during which the British fruit em-
bargo was enforced.   They have taken
every year more and more fruit and as a
result a close and wholly satisfactory con-
nection has been established in the local
markets and we look for them in the future
to consume an appreciable quantity of our
Gravensteins, Northern Spys, Wolf Rivers,
Kings, Bishop Pippins and such varieties at
prices as profitable as though they were
marketed in England. To say the least the
future looks, good for the Nova Scotia
Prospects Are Bright.
The conditions arising from the war elim-
inated the competitors of the Nova Scotia
grower more rapidly than they would have
been eliminated by competition, and al-
though for four years he has sold his apples
for a ruinous price compared with the cost
of supplies, yet he is probably in the best
position he has yet occupied in regard to
the future, and in a few years he will re-
coup his loss.
In a way the position of Nova Scotia can
be compared with the 80's, and early 90's.
It is better in that competitors have had
their try and are now, to a great extent,
dropping from the game.
Rail freights are up and none of us can
ever remember when rail freights have gen-
erally dropped. We know that the present
increase was permitted as a war measure
and with the wages following the increase
in rates we are skeptical in regard to any
decrease in rail freights.
The period of competition has been, in a
way, for the ultimate good of the industry
in that it has offered growers the best
methods of growing, spraying and packing
and the best varieties.  Our United Fruit
Companies have developed under force of
circumstances.  Competition  became  so
keen and the growers' profits so small that
in order to barely exist through the hardest
years they had to combine in buying their
supplies and selling their products.  This
combination now includes approximately
1,500 growers, and handles in the neighbor-
hood of 40 per cent of the apples and 60
per cent of the potatoes grown and market-
ed in the Annapolis Valley, and consider-
ably over one-half of the spraying material,
fertilizers, flour, feed, and other supplies
purchased.  The principle of this organi-
zation has been to deal through the ordin-
ary trade channel where possible, and only
to cause changes in the regular system of
buying and selling where profits of certain
groups doing business for the apple grow-
ers were too high.  In this way amicable
relations have been maintained with the
manufacturers and wholesalers of supplies
at the one end and the fruit trade on the
other. The result has been that the con-
sumers of fruit have bought their fruit for
at least as low a price as they would had
not the United Fruit Companies existed,
they have received a better pack than they
otherwise would have, and the growers
have received more for their fruit and
bought their supplies for a less price than
they otherwise could.
teel Roller has a rigid steel frame
-no wood whatever.
oller bearings and strong 2" axles in-
urability and great strength. The
is a 3-drum Roller of good weight,
stand hard usage and give great ser-
Write Dept. N  for free catalogue.
BISSELL CO., LTD., Elora, Ont.

See advertisement on page 90.



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