Make a
for these bargains
during month of March
Cash discount of 15% on Langs-
troth Hives, supers and frames.
Haines Bee-Line.



Bees, Rabbits and Poultry
For Sale
ITALIANS-Bees and queens.
POULTRY-Rocks, Reds, Cochins, Orp-
ingtons, Hamburgs, Leghorns-Exhibi-
tion Stock.
.RABBITS-Flemish Giants, Belgians,
White Polish, Rt4fus Red, Black Siberian
Pedigreed and Registered Stock.
Lambeth Bee, Rabbit and Poultry Yards
LAMBETH        -     -     ONTARIO.
In single and double walled hives.
Delivery in May. Free from disease.
9 Hillsview Ave., Toronto, Ontario.

Ontario Fruit Matters Discussed
A full day meeting of the directors of tie
Ontario Fruit Growers' Association was
held in Toronto, March 4, to plan for the
year's work. Mr. P. E. Hynd, of Forest, who
was appointed a director at the recent an-
nual meeting, wrote that he would not be
able to act. The vacancy thus created was
filled by the appointment of Mr. W. Dewar.
of Leamington. Mr. P. W. Hodgetts was re-
elected to represent the association on the
board of directors of the Horticultural Pub-
lishing Company, Ltd., publishers of The
Canadian Horticulturist, the official organ
of the association.
Refunds on Packages.
At the recent annual meeting of the as.
sociation Mr. W. Shook, of Clarkson. stated
that some of the growers in his section felt
that action should be taken to obtain a re-
bate for the growers on the baskets, boxes
and crates in which fruit is shipped to mar-
ket. The cost of packages had increased
so greatly it had become a burden on the
producers. One association alone had paid
out $16,000 for packages. Some Toronto
dealers resell these packages to growers
near the city. A resolution was passed at
the convention asking the directors to look
into the matter. The directors considered
the proposal at considerable length. Mr.
Bridgman, of Winona, pointed out that
sometimes fruit sells for less than the cost
of the package.
It was shown that there were very seri-
ous sanitary and other similar objections to
re-using packages and that many packages
are so frail it would not be practical to re-
turn them  any considerable distance. It
was thought that growers living near cities
might be able to arrange for the return of
(Continued on page 76.)

March, 1919.


War Loan
and Progress
Interesting Things About Them
Comments of Minister of Finance: About
Bonds; How to Buy or Sell War Bonds;
Comparative Chart and Table of Dominion
Victory Loan Results, 1917-1918; Compari-
son of Victory Loans, 1917-1918, by Pro-
vinces; Financial Statement of the Domin-
ion; Details of Funded Debt of Canada;
Security Behind Canada's Bonds; Some Re-
sources of Canada; National Wealth and
Income of Canada; Statistical Figures of the
Progress of Canada; Some Victory Loan
Results in Dominion Cities and Ontario
Cities; Chart Showing Ontario's Accom-
plishment, 1917-1918; United States' and
Great Britain's Capital Investments in Can-
ada; Prices of Consols, Rentes and United
States Bonds (before, during and after a
war period); An Analogy-Canada's Bonds;
Total and Per Capita Debts of Belligerents
and Neutrals Before and at the End of
Hostilities; War Debts of Belligerents;
Effect of Income Tax, War Tax, 1918; Bond
Interest Tables, 5 per cent and 6 1-2 per
cent, etc.
We shall be glad to supply copy of the Booklet on request.
A. E. AMES & Co.
Established 1889
Montreal        TORONTO           New York

Dominion Fertilizer Company, Ltd.
St. Stephen, N.B.
For Fruit Trees and Small Fruits
For Potatoes, Roots and Vegetables
For Grain, Corn and Grass
For all Crops
Correspondence Solicited.