vi             THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST AND BEEKEEPER                        4hlrch 191.
Means Bi68er Steadier
Yields and Surer Profits
HIS is a truth that fruit specialists
have long recognized and a system-
111k    atic fertilizing plan is invariably carried
out. This ensures choicer, heavier yields
and more consistent crops - also ma-
terially assists in protecting the fruit buds
and trees from winter killing.
Many farmers divert all their
Amount of Plant Food removed from an acre of
manure and other fertilizers to the  ground during 20 years' continuous cropping to
grain fields, however, not realizing  -heat anan other acre devoted to 20 years of
that an orchard really takes more
plant food from the soil than even
wat foodafro the  d thaen* Growth Nitrogen Phos Acid Potash  Value
wheat as the attached table will
show. Then they wonder at poor    Grain    Lbs.   Lbs.   Lbs.
wonder               424.80  160.20  109.80 $ 79.86
Straw.  234.78  50.40  214.20  48.37
ops.                            Apples ....  498.60  38.25  728.55  110.26
.                            Leaves ...  456.75  126.00  441.00  97.17
Give your orchard a chance to   ____                          _Ia
ea consistent money maker for
you. Give it a share of the manure pile. You will be richly paid.
With the export markets opening up and the shipping situation steadily
improving the demand for fruit crops should materially improve from now on.
For information on any phase of fruit growing - fertilizing, spraying,
cultivating; varieties; packing; marketing etc., write to
Ontario Department of Agriculture
P. W. HODGETTS,                 HON. GEO. S. HENRY,
Director Fruit Branch              Minister of Agriculture
ONTARIO                                                          A
