Queens - Italian - Queens
Bred in Ontario from Doolittle Stock
1919 - PRICE LIST - 1919
Delivery Beginning June 15th.

Government regarding daylight saving, de-
claring the measure to be "a detriment to
the agricultural and fruit growing interest-
of the country, in view of the fact that on
account of weather conditions about half
the time of each forenoon has been wasted
and farm labor has   been   disorganized,
some laborers commencing operations on
the old time and others on the new time,.
thus causing dissensions between the farm-
ers and their help."
A recent report from St. Catharines says
that Mr. Ernest Servos, of McNab, one of
the most successful peach growers of the
district, states that he gave a number of
his peach trees a thorough examination
and did not find any buds injured. On the
contrary the showing of buds was splendid
and unless the mercury goes down to eight
or 10 below zero, the coming peach crop
is likely to be a large one.
The fruit growers and farmers of Gran-
tham have recently formed a Farmers'
Club, to be called "NcNab Farmers' Club."
The following officers were elected: Presi
dent, A. Griffis; Vice-President, A. T_
Baker; Sec'y-Treasurer, Chas. Gilleland.
A report from Vineimount says that the
weather has been so fine that nearly all
the grape growers have their vines pruned
and the brush burned. So far fruit trees
have wintered well and the mild weather
has done no harm in the Vinemount district.
The following is -the explanation given
by Mr. F. G. Stewart, of St. Catharines, a
well-known fruit grower, as to bud condi-
tions. "The peach buds are all right so far,
I know that some city people have been
quite agitated by the recent spring-like
weather; they figured out that the buds
would advance rapidly and then be at the
mercy of any heavy frost. But a rather un-
usual set of circumstances have prevented
this. While overhead it has been warm, the

UNTESTED   ..............

1         6       12       50
$ 1.00    $ 5.50   $10.00   $37.50
1.25      7.00    13.00    50.00

Send us list of your requirements EARLY so as to insure date of delivery. We are
booking orders now.

Help Wanted
Will give experience and fair wage to
active young man not afraid to work for
help in large, well equipped set of
apiaries for season starting in April.
State  present   occupation,  weight,
height, age and beekeeping experience,
if any.
The Pettit Aplaries - Georgetown, Ont.



Bee Supplies
The Krouse winter case
and cedar hives a specialty.
A full line of supplies on
hand. Write your wants.
Guelph,             Ontario

____________________________________________________I 'I                           ___________________________________________________________________________________



We are prepared to quote
on full line of Honey Con-
When writing for prices
state quantity required of
each size.
American Can Co.

Good Service
Top Prices A Square Deal
These are three things you are sure of getting
when you ship your
Fruit and
Vegetables                   tous.
Won't you try us out this season by'sending us
some of your shipments ?
You will find our service extremely prompt and
efficient. Reports of sales are sent out to our cus-
tomers every day and remittances arrive unfailing-
ly every Monday morning. Can you ask for more?
Shipping stamps supplied for the asking.
If you don't know us, come down and pay us a
Front and Church Sts.      TORONTO, ONT.
Wholesale Fruit Importers and Commission Merchants


March, 1919.


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