March, 1919.            THE CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST AND BEEKEEPER                                                               vil.
The Canadian Horticulturist
CONTENTS FOR MARCH.                                Trees,                Shrubs                  and
Fruit and Apicultural Editions Only.
The Relation of Winter Injury to Soil Fertility, Prof.
J.  W .  Crow  .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......  57
Reducing Fertilizing Costs ......................... 58
Small Fruits Being Planted ........................ 58
Growing Brussels Sprouts, D. J. Robb ............... .58
Obtaining Results with Cane and Bush Fruits, Prof. O.                                         makin    g m  b    tifulfis
M. Taylor ...................................... 59
Fertility and Other Factors, A. H. MacLennan .......60                                        our business.     We know
The Use of Commercial Fertilizers, W. M. Grant .... 61
A Balanced Ration in the Orchard and Garden, F. J.                                             what to grow, and we know
A. Sheppard  ....................................  62                                      the  varieties  suited  to  any
Two Crops that Paid, Grant S. Peart ................ 62This knowledge
Fruit Edition Only.
Lime as a Fertilizer, Prof. R. Harcourt ............. 62                                      is at your service.
Commercial Strawberry Growing, Manning Ells ..... 63
Nitrate of Soda Beneficial in Peach Orchard ........ 64                                          It is a simple matter to
Spraying Preparations, Prof. John Evans ........... .64
The Core of the Fruit Industry ......................65                                       write US with your require-
The use of Acid Phosphate ......................... 66                                        ments.   We cheerfully re-
Floral Edition Only.
Tree Peonies, Bertram H. Farr ..................... 57                                        (ln ailong pratic    e
Use of Poultry Manure ............................. 58                                        o
What the Gardener Says ............................ 58
Getting an Early Start With   Garden   Plants, Prof.
Moore  ..................... ................. *..59
The Hot Bed and its Accessories, Edith Seth Smith... 60
The Dahlia; New Varieties and their Culture, J. S.                                                 Our 1919 Catalogue
Wallace ....................................... 61                                                is now ready
Floral Problems,-Wm. Hunt ......................... 62
Reminders for March, A. E. Stevens ................. 63
Your Questions Answered, W. Hunt ................. 64                   JOHN       CONNON        CO., Limited
Fruit and Floral Editions Only.
Raspberries for the Home Garden, W. T. Macoun.....    7                        FLORISTS and NURSERYMEN
Early Planting, A. H. MacLennan ................... 68            HAMILTON                                    ONTARIO
Effect of Pruning on the Tree, Prof. W. H. Chandler.. 69
Valuable Work of Horticultural Societies ........... 71
Ontario Fruit Growers Optimistic ................... 72
All Editions.
Ontario Fruit Matters Discussed ................... 73
Niagara District Notes, T. G. Pattison ............... 77
Norfolk  Growers  M eet  .............................  79
Niagara Peninsula Fruit Growers Enthusiastic ...... 82
Apicultural Edition.
More About the Double Walled Hive, J. F. Dunn..... 6,
What Hive and Frame Shall I Use, G. A. Deadman... 68                      The Sprayer that Searcheth
Practical Advice on Queen Rearing, S. B. Bisbee ...... 69                 the Insects and        the
Removing Bees from the Cellar, Win. A. Weir, Toronto  70
My Experience with Pound Packages, John A. Mc-
Kinnon ........................................ 71
The Motor Car in the Apiary ....................... 71
A Beekeeper in Manitoba, Win. C. McKinnell ........               . 74
The Returned Soldier and Beekeeping, R. A. Rutledge 74
An Experimental Apiary in Toronto ................. 74
Bees  and  Bee  Supplies  ....................  75, 76, 77, 78
Classified  Advertisements  ..........................  xiv.
Cold Storage ....................................... 84
Commission Merchant ......................xiv., 78, 84
Cultivating Machinery ...................83, 90, x., xiv.
Education .......................................... xi.
Employment ........................................ 85
Fencing ........... ..........                    80, 88
Fert izer  ......... ii., v., 72, 73, 75, 79. 87, 90, ix., xiii., xv.
F inancial  .......................................  75,  84
Flower Pots ........................................ 90
Government ................................xi., xvi., 85
Greenhouse Material ................................ 85
Incubators ......................................... 80
Irrigation .......................................... xi.
Machinery ......................................... 89
Nursery Stock....vii., viii.. 82, 86, 88, 90, 92, x.,The                   ardie Sprayer is known in every fruit section of
x.,xl. xi., lv.America     A postcard will bimg the complete Catalogue of the
Paints ............................................. 91           Hardie Line, and prices that axe ight.
Pruning  Tools  ..................................  xiii..  89
R oofin g  .............................................  92
Seeds, Plants  and  Bulbs  .............................  iii.
iv.,  vi.,  79,  80,  81,  82,  86,  87.  89,  91,  xii.  xiv.
Sprayers and Spraying materials....................                     Biggs Fu          ad         R.
.........iin., iv., vi., Vii., 79, 80, 82. 85, 86, 91, xii.                 BULNTNINAI