194                                WISCONSIN BLUE BOOK 1987-1988

     Internal improvements. SECTION 10. [As amended April 1968] The state
shall never contract any
 debt for works of internal improvement, or be a party in carrying on such
works; but whenever
 grants of land or other property shall have been made to the state, especially
dedicated by the
 grant to particular works of internal improvement, the state may carry on
such particular works
 and shall devote thereto the avails of such grants, and may pledge or appropriate
the revenues
 derived from such works in aid of their completion. Provided, that the state
may appropriate
 money in the treasury or to be thereafter raised by taxation for the construction
or improvement
 of public highways or the development, improvement and construction of airports
or other aero-
 nautical projects or the acquisition, improvement or construction of veterans'
housing or the
 improvement of port facilities. Provided, that the state may appropriate
moneys for the purpose
 of acquiring, preserving and developing the forests of the state; but of
the moneys appropriated
 under the authority of this section in any one year an amount not to exceed
two-tenths of one
 mill of the taxable property of the state as determined by the last preceding
state assessment may
be raised by a tax on property. [1965 SJR-28;:1967 SJR-18]

     Internal improvements. SECTION 10. [As amended April
  1960] The state shall never contract any debt for works of
  internal improvement, or be a party in carrying on such
  works; but whenever grants of land or other property shall
  have been made to the state, especially dedicated by the
  grant to particular works of internal improvement, the state
  may carry on such particular works and shall devote thereto
  the avails of such grants, and may pledge or appropriate the
  revenues derived from such works in aid of their completion.
  Provided, that the state may appropriate money in the trea-
  sury or to be thereafter raised by taxation for the construc-
  tion or improvement of public highways or the develop-
  ment, improvement and construction of airports or other
  aeronautical projects or the acquisition, improvement or
  construction of veterans' housing or the improvement of
  port facilities. Provided, that the state may appropriate
  moneys for the purpose of acquiring, preserving and devel-
  oping the forests of the state; but there shall not be appropri-
  ated under the authority of this section in any one year an
  amount to exceed two-tenths of one mill of the taxable prop-
  erty of the state as determined by the last preceding state
  assessment. [1957 AJR-39; 1959 SJR-20]
    Internal improvements. SECTION 10. [As amended April
 1949] The state shall never contract any debt for works of
 internal improvement, or be a party in carrying on such
 works; but whenever grants of land or other property shall
 have been made to the state, especially dedicated by the
 grant to particular works of internal improvement, the state
 may carry on such particular works and shall devote thereto
 the avails of such grants, and may pledge or appropriate the
 revenues derived from such works in aid of their completion.
 Provided, that the state may appropriate money in the trea-
 sury or to be thereafter raised by taxation for the construc-
 tion or improvement of public highways or the develop-
 ment, improvement and construction of airports or other
 aeronautical projects or the acquisition, improvement or
 construction of veterans' housing. Provided, that the state
 may appropriate moneys for the purpose of acquiring, pre-
 serving and developing the forests of the state; but there
 shall not be appropriated under the authority of this section
 in any one year an amount to exceed two-tenths of one mill
 of the taxable property of the state as determined by the last
 preceding state assessment. [1948 Spec.Sess. SJR-2; 1949
    Internal improvements. SECTION 10. [As amended April
1945] The state shall never contract any debt for works of
internal improvement, or be a party in carrying on such
works; but whenever grants of land or other property shall
have been made to the state, especially dedicated by the
grant to particular works of internal improvement, the state
may carry on such particular works, and shall devote
thereto the avails of such grants, and may pledge or appro-
priate the revenues derived from such works in aid of their
completion. Provided, that the state may appropriate money
in the treasury or to be thereafter raised by taxation for the

  construction or improvement of public highways or the de-
  velopment, improvement and construction of airports or
  other aeronautical projects. Provided, that the state may
  appropriate moneys for the purpose of acquiring, preserving
  and developing the forests of the state; but there shall not be
  appropriated under the authority of this section in any one
  year an amount to exceed two-tenths of one mill of the tax-
  able property of the state as determined by the last preceding
  state assessment. [1943 SJR-16; 1945 SJR-7]
     Internal improvements. SECTION 10. [As amended No-
  vember 1924] The state shall never contract any debt for
  works of internal improvement, or be a party in carrying on
  such works; but whenever grants of land or other property
  shall have been made to the state, especially dedicated by the
  grant to particular works of internal improvement, the state
  may carry on such particular works, and shall devote
  thereto the avails of such grants, and may pledge or appro-
  priate the revenues derived from such works in aid of their
  completion. Provided, that the state may appropriate money
  in the treasury or to be thereafter raised by taxation for the
  construction or improvement of public highways. Provided,
  that the state may appropriate moneys for the purpose of
  acquiring, preserving and developing the forests of the state;
  but there shall not be appropriated under the authority of
  this section in any one year an amount to exceed two-tenths
  of one mill of the taxable property of the state as determined
  by the last preceding state assessment. [1921 SJR-30; 1923
  AJR-70; 1923 c. 289]
    Water power and forests. SECTION 10. [Approved by vot-
 ers November 1910] An amendment to Art. VIII, sec. 10,
 authorizing a state property tax of two-tenths of one mill to
 finance appropriations for acquisition and development of
 water power and forests was approved by 1907 SJR-43.
 There was no "second consideration" resolution but 1909
 SB-553 enacted the proposal into law as Chap. 514, Laws of
 1909. The procedure was declared invalid by the Supreme
 Court in State ex rel. Owen v. Donald, 160 W 21, 151 NW
    Public highways. [As amended November 1908, a new
sentence was added at the end of the section] Provided, that
the state may appropriate money in the treasury or to be
thereafter raised by taxation for the construction or im-
provement of public highways. [1905 SJR-14; 1907 SJR-22;
1907 c. 238]
    Internal improvements. SECTION 10. [Originalform] The
state shall never contract any debt for works of internal im-
provement, or be a party in carrying on such works, but
whenever grants of land or other property shall have been
made to the state, especially dedicated by the grant to partic-
ular works of internal improvements, the state may carry on
such particular works, and shall devote thereto the avails of
such grants, and may pledge or appropriate the revenues de-
rived from such works in aid of their completion.