
   Ineligibility of federal officers. SECTION 13. [Original  after his election
as a member of the legislature, be elected to
form] No person being a member of congress, or holding   congress, or be
appointed to any office, civil or military,
any military or civil office under the United States, shall be  under the
government of the United States, his acceptance
eligible to a seat in the legislature; and if any person shall,  thereof
shall vacate his seat.
    Filling vacancies. SECTION 14. The governor shall issue writs of election
to fill such vacancies
as may occur in either house of the legislature.
    Exemption from arrest and civil process. SECTION 15. Members of the legislature
shall in all
cases, except treason, felony and breach of the peace, be privileged from
arrest; nor shall they be
subject to any civil process, during the session of the legislature, nor
for fifteen days next before
the commencement and after the termination of each session.
    Privilege in debate. SECTION 16. No member of the legislature shall be
liable in any civil
action, or criminal prosecution whatever, for words spoken in debate.
    Enactment of laws. SECTION 17. [As amended April 1977] (1) The style
of all laws of the state shall
be "The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and
assembly, do enact as
    (2) No law shall be enacted except by bill. No law shall be in force
until published.
    (3) The legislature shall provide by law for the speedy publication of
all laws. [1975 AJR-11; 1977
   Style of laws; bills. SECTION 17. [Original form] The of Wisconsin, represented
in senate and assembly, do enact
style of the laws of the state shall be "The people of the state  as
follows:" and no law shall be enacted except by bill.
    Title of private bills. SECTION 18. No private or local bill which may
be passed by the
legislature shall embrace more than one subject, and that shall be expressed
in the title.
    Origin of bills. SECTION 19. Any bill may originate in either house of
the legislature, and a
bill passed by one house may be amended by the other.
    Yeas and nays. SECTION 20. The yeas and nays of the members of either
house on any
question shall, at the request of one-sixth of those present, be entered
on the journal.
    SECTION    21. [Repealed. 1927 SJR-61; 1929 SJR-7; vote April 1929]
    Compensation of members. SECTION 21. [As amended        Compensation
of members. SECTION 21. [As amended
 November 1881] Each member of the legislature shall re- November 1867] Each
member of the legislature shall re-
 ceive for his services, for and during a regular session, the  ceive for
his services three hundred and fifty dollars per an-
 sumfi of five hundred dollars, and ten cents for every mile he  num and
ten cents for every mile he shall travel in going to
 shall travel in going to and returning from the place of meet-  and returning
from the place of the meeting of the legislature
 ing of the legislature on the most usual route. In case of an  on the most
usual route. In case of an extra session of the
 extra session of the legislature, no additional compensation  legislature
no additional compensation shall be allowed to
 shall be allowed to any member thereof, either directly or  any member thereof
either directly or indirectly. [1865
 indirectly, except for mileage to be computed at the same  SJR-26; 1866
SJR-16; 1867 c. 25]
 rate as for a regular session. No stationery, newspapers,  Compensation
of members. SECTION 21. [Originalform]
 postage or other perquisite except the salary and mileage Each member of
the legislature shall receive for his services
 above provided, shall be received from the state by any two dollars and
fifty cents for each day's attendance during
 member of the legislature for his services, or in any other  the session,
and ten cents for every mile he shall travel in
 manner as such member. [1880 SJR-9; 1881 AJR-7; 1881 c. going to and returning
from the place of the meeting of the
 262]                                                    legislature, on
the most usual route.

    Powers of county boards. SECTION 22. The legislature may confer upon
the boards of super-
visors of the several counties of the state such powers of a local, legislative
and administrative
character as they shall from time to time prescribe.
    Town and county government. SECTION 23. [As amended April 1972] The legislature
shall establish
but one system of town government, which shall be as nearly uniform as practicable,
but the
legislature may provide for the election at large once in every 4 years of
a chief executive officer in
any county with such powers of an administrative character as they may from
time to time
prescribe in accordance with this section and shall establish one or more
systems of county gov-
ernment. [1969 SJR-58; 1971 SJR-4]
   Uniform town and county government. SECTION 23. [As   large once in every
4 years of a chief executive officer in any
amended April 1969] The legislature shall establish but one  county with
such powers of an administrative character as
system of town and county government, which shall be as  they may from time
to time prescribe in accordance with this
nearly uniform as practicable, except that the requirement  section. [1967
AJR-18; 1969 SJR-8]
of uniformity shall not apply to the administrative means of
exercising powers of a local legislative character conferred Uniform town
and county government. SECTION 23. [As
by section 22 upon the boards of supervisors of the several  amended November
1962] The legislature shall establish but
counties; but the legislature may provide for the election at  one system
of town and county government, which shall be