748                             WISCONSIN BLUE BOOK 1987-1988

                      WISCONSIN NATIONAL GUARD-Cont.

                                                AIR UNITS

 128th Air Refueling Group                               128th Communications
    126th Air Refueling Squadron                         126th Weather Flight
    128th Combat Support Squadron                        128th Security Police
    128th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron              128th TAC
USAF Clinic
    128th Resource Management Squadron                 128th Tactical Control
    128th Civil Engineer Squadron
                                               Camp Douglas
 Permanent Field Training Site, Volk Field
 Abbreviations: Hq.- Headquarters; Co.- Company; Btry.- Battery; Det.- Detachment.
 Source: Department of Military Affairs, departmental data, January 1987.


                                            1888 to 1986

                Civil and     Spanish-      World War I       World War II
    Korean Conflict
 Year         Indian Wars'    American    Men     Women     Men     Women
     Men     Women      Total'
 1930 .....        254           108        10       14        .        .386
 1940 .....         89           196       101      130       ---       
                -         516
 1950               27           156      189        93        5        1
 1960 .....          4           74        203       94       40        5
       --      -         450
 1961 .....          3           66       221        88       39        8
       --      -         427
 1962 .....          3           66       223        82       52        9
      -        -         431
 1963 .....         3            67       235        87       57       10
       --      -         459
 1964.....          3            63       237       105       61       16
       --      -         485
 1965 .....         2            62       247       112       77       16
       --      -         516
 1966 .....          1           56       258       112       86       21
       --      -         534
 1967 .....          1           46       272       120       93       20
       --      -         555
 1968 .....         1            48       253       123       93       16
       --      -         534
 1969 .....         1            43       253       145      101       14
 1970 .....         1            35       279       146      153       20
       1        0        635
 1971 .....         1            39       316       160      184       31
       2        0        723
 1972 .....         0            28       279       155      199       39
       2        0        702
 1973 .....         0            25       285       108      199       37
       0        1        715
 1974 .....         0            21       279       175      185       37
       0        2        699
               American         World War I     World War II   Korean Conflict
  Vietnam Era
            Vets. Depends.    Vets. Depends. Vets. Depends. Vets. Depends.
Vets. Depends.        Total
 1975 .....   1      18        272     171     198       40       3     
 2       --     -        705
 1976 .....   1      14        254     167     209       40       2     
 2       --     -        689
 1977 .....   1      13        270     164     205      41        4     
 2      -       -        700
 1978 .....   1      11        261     158     218      38        3     
 2       --     -        692
 1979 .....   1      11        244     146     227      37        4     
 1      -       -        672
 1980 .....   1       8        242     144     241      36        5     
 1       --     -        678
 1981 .....   0       8        224     139     264      40        8     
 2      -       -        685
 1982 .....   0       7        189     124     282      43       11     
 2                       658
 1983 .....   0       5        171     111     297      42       14     
 2       1       0       643
 1984 .....   0       4        144      97     316      47       21     
 2       3       0       634
 1985 .....   0       4        129     102     329      54       28     
 0       5       0       651
 1986 .....  0        4        117      92     348      56       35     
 5       7       0       664
 *Name changed from Grand Army Home by Chapter 33, Laws of 1973.
 'All members of the home from 1888 to 1920 were Civil War or Indian wars
veterans: 1888 -  72; 1889 -  148; 1890 -  139;
 1895 --339; 1900 --680; 1910 --699; 1920 --532.
Source: Department of Veterans Affairs, December 1986.