Earl Christensen Thompson                     
             Earl Christensen Thompson
                          and       and       and                       
             and       and       and
                          Metz    Bergum    McCallum                    
            Metz     Bergum   McCallum
;rict                    (Dem.)   (L & F)    (Rep.'      D=.ý-c:
                    (Dem.)   (L & F)    (Rep.)

dams ..................    131       4         222
ig Flats ................   90       1         142
olburn.................     14       0          36
ell Prairie ..............  93       1         204
aston ..................    90       2         190
wckson .................    75       0         154
,ola ...................    10       0          48
incoln .................    20       0          70
[onroe .................    29       0          76
ew Chester .............    88       1         123
ew Haven ..............     62       0         116
reston .................   152       2         261
uincy ..................   143       2         192
ichfield ................   11       3          59
ome ...................    237       1         403
)ringville ...............  81       0         175
rongs Prairie ...........  177       0         238
iendship, vil ............  76       1         186
dams, city:
Ward 1  ...............     66       1         103
Ward 2  ...............     90       1         109
Ward 3  ...............     65       2          86
TOTAL ............... 1,800         23       3,193
genda .................     58       0         165
shland .................   142       7         191
hippewa ...............     46       1          95
ingles .................   106       1          67
ordon .................     47       0          84
Lcobs ..................   124       2         219
iPointe ................    46       1          32
.arengo ................    90       1          46
:orse ..................    90       0          94
wksville ...............    29       1          49
rnborn .................   177      10          34
sanagolden .............    32       0          36
'hite River .............  160       6         145
atternut, vil ............. 66       0          66
shland, city:
Ward 1  ...............    111       3         187
Ward 2  ...............    219       2         209
Ward 3  ...............    121       4         139
Ward 4  ...............    .167      7         151
Ward 5  ...............    128       7         178
Ward 6 ...............     124      15          74
Ward 7  ...............    130       5         130
Ward 8  ...............    170       1         143
Ward 9  ...............    120       5          77
Ward 10  ..............    145       1         125
Ward 11 ..............     135       4         145
.ellen, city .............. 232      0         195
TOTAL ............... 3,015         84       3,076
Imena ............. ....   102       0          77
riand ............... ...81          1          50
arron ..................   130       0         201
ear Lake ...............    65       0          55
edar Lake ..............   104       2         128
hetek ..................   197       1         201
linton .................   102       0         110
rystal Lake .............  107       0          91
amberland .............    133       0         126
allas ..................    78       0          70
ovre ..................     71       1          50
oyle ...................    78       2          74
ikeland ................   103       0          89
:aple Grove .............  105       1         118
.aple Plain .............   70       0          61
ik Grove ...............   132       1          99
*airie Farm .............   87       2          67

  Prar.e Lake..............144          0          169
  Rice Lake ...............   334       0         410
  Sa:.c-x Creek............... 73       1          84
  S'tanfold .................  126      2          73
  Stanley .................   210       1         272
  Sumner..................     75       2          50
  Turtle Lake...............    60      0          38
  Vance Creek..............    86       0          63
  Almena, vil...............   75       0          86
  Cameron, vil .............  118       0          153
  Dallas, vil................  39       1          80
  Haugen, vil...............   44       0           36
  New Auburn, vil...........     1      0           4
  Prairie Farm, vil .......... 48       0          47
  Turtle Lake, vil...........  115      0          78
  Barron, city..............  343       5          544
  Chetek, city..............   254      1         279
  Cumberland, city..........  347       2         351
  Rice Lake, city:
    Ward1................      145      0          102
    Ward 2................     135      0          133
    Wardl3................     154      0          176
    Ward 4................     188      1         216
    Ward 5................     140      3         200
    Ward 6................     112      1          145
    Ward 7................     140      1          139
    Ward 8................     115      2          125
    TOTAL ............... 5,366        34        5,720
  Barksdale ...............   140       2          187
  Barnes ..................    86       0          139
  Bayfield .................   129      3          112
  Bayview.................     76       3          88
  Bell ....................    50       1          63
  Cable ...................   146       0          196
  Clover ..................    67       4          46
  Delta ...................    32       6          56
  Drummond ..............     114       1          116
  Eileen ..................   143       0          116
  Grand View ..............   102       1          104
  Hughes..................     74       1          58
  Iron River ...............  203       3         200
  Kelly ...................    54       4          66
  Keystone ................    72       0          46
  Lincoln..................    55       4          62
  Mason ..................     73       2          47
  Namakagon..............      59       0          107
  Orienta..................     9       4          23
  Oulu ....................    116      0          50
  Pilsen...................*51          0          41
  Port Wing................    89       5          89
  Russell ..................  149       7          53
  Tripp ...................    38       1           18
  Washburn................     82       5          83
  Mason, vil................    14      0           19
  Bayfield, city:
    Ward1................      31       0          32
    Ward 2................     31       1          30
    Ward 3................     51       0          30
    Ward 4................     27       0          36
  Washburn, city:
    Ward1................      95       1          82
    Ward 2................     58       6          58
    Ward 3................     61       0          59
    Ward 4................     60       3          28
    Ward5................      86       0          74
    Ward 6................     65       2          50
    TOTAL ............... 2,788        70        2,664
  Bellevue ................   698       6         969
  De Pere .................    175      3         324

lependent Populist candidates Sanford Knapp and Verdell Hallingstad received
1,668 votes. Independent candidates Darold E. Wall
Ad Irma L. Lotts received 3,913 votes. See also "Vote for State Officers,
By County".
i. - Democratic Party; L & F- Labor-Farm/Laborista-Agrario Party; Rep.
- Republican.
*ce: Official records of the Elections Board. Scattering vote omitted.