created in 1947 by Chapter 525, was directed to inspect buildings, equipment,
lands and manage-
ment of institutions. It consisted of 7 members until 1965, when the membership
was increased
to 11. Another committee, the Committee on Physical Plant Maintenance, with
3 members, was
charged with various duties relating to the State Capitol and State Office
Building, including
assessing the state of repair, maintenance and housekeeping of these buildings
and studying
legislative space requirements.
   Chapter 659, Laws of 1965, merged the 2 committees and provided that the
successor commit-
tee, the Committee to Visit State Properties, assume the functions of the
2 previously existing
committees. In 1973 it became the present committee.
  Organization: The committee has a membership of 5 senators and 6 representatives,
as are the members of standing committees in their respective houses. The
2 major political
parties shall be represented in the membership from each house. One legislative
member of the
Building Commission from each house shall also be a member of the committee.
The committee
meets when the legislature is not in actual session. Staff assistance is
provided by the Legislative
Council staff.
  Functions: The committee is directed to visit all institutions and office
buildings owned or
leased by the state and the capitol building and thoroughly inspect the grounds
and the build-
ings. It shall have free access to any part of such state buildings or the
surrounding grounds and
all persons therein in order to make such examination as it sees fit of the
conditions found.
Under the 1973 law, the committee may also examine institutions, programs
or organizations
which receive state financial support.

  In celebration of its first anniversary, the Kids Play Day Care Center
(a day care center for
children of state employes) named Senator Fred A. Risser its honorary cake
cutter. Assisting
Senator Risser are Lt. Governor Scott McCallum and Representative Margaret
S. Lewis with her
child (photo courtesy of Senate Democratic Caucus).