Department Units
Accounting Examining
Architects, Professional
  Engineers, Designers &
  Land Surveyors, Exam-
  ining Board of
Barbers Examining Board

Bingo Control Board
Chiropractic Examining
Cosmetology Examining
Dentistry Examining
Funeral Directors Exam-
  ining Board
Hearing Aid Dealers &
  Fitters Examining
Medical Examining Board
  Physical Therapist Ex-
    amining Council
  Physician's Assistants,
    Council on
  Podiatrist Examining
Nursing, Board of
  Nurses, Examining
    Council on Licensed
  Nurses, Examining
    Council on Regis-
Nursing Home Adminis-
  trator Examining Board
Optometry Examining
Pharmacy Examining
Psychology Examining
Real Estate Board

Veterinary Examining

  Organization: The secretary of the department is appointed by the governor,
with the advice
and consent of the Senate, to serve at the governor's pleasure. The secretary
appoints a deputy
secretary, an executive assistant, and the heads of various subunits.
  The boards attached to the department are comprised primarily of members
of the professions
and occupations they regulate. In 1975, the Legislature added at least one
public member to
each board. Another public member was added to most boards in 1984. Public
members may
have no ties with the profession they regulate. All board members are appointed
by the governor
with the advice and consent of the Senate.
  The Board of Nursing appoints Examining Councils on Registered Nurses and
Licensed Prac-
tical Nurses.
   The Medical Examining Board appoints 3 professional members to the Physical
Examining Council, 3 professional members to the Podiatrists Examining Council
and 3 profes-
sional members to serve on the 5-member Council on Physician's Assistants.
Public members
are appointed to each council by the governor.
   The Examining Board of Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers and
Land Surveyors
consists of 4 separate sections, which regulate their respective professions.
   Agency Responsibility: The department provides administrative services
to the boards. These
services include bookkeeping, payroll, accounting, license renewal, preparation
of the budget,


Ch. 337, Laws of 1913, created the Board of Accountancy.
Ch. 644, Laws of 1917, created Board of Examiners of Architects. Ch. 486,
Laws of 1931, expanded the board to include engineers. Ch. 547, Laws of
1955, expanded the board to include land surveyors. Ch. 446, Laws of
1969, renamed it to its present name.
Ch. 221, Laws of 1915, created a Committee of Examiners in Barbering in
the State Board of Health. Ch. 75, Laws of 1967, merged the Board of
Health into the Department of Health and Social Services. Ch. 39, Laws of
1975, transferred the Barbers Examining Council to DRL from the De-
partment of Health and Social Services and changed the name.
Ch. 156, Laws of 1973, created the board.
Ch. 408, Laws of 1925, created Board of Examiners in Chiropractic.
Ch. 431, Laws of 1939, created a Board of Examiners in Cosmetology
within the State Board of Health. Ch. 39, Laws of 1975, transferred it from
Department of Health and Social Services to DRL.
Ch. 129, Laws of 1885, created the Board of Dental Examiners.
Ch. 420, Laws of 1905, authorized the State Board of Health to examine
and license embalmers. Ch. 39, Laws of 1975, transferred the board from
Department of Health and Social Services to DRL.
Ch. 300, Laws of 1969, created the board.
Ch. 264, Laws of 1897, created the Board of Medical Examiners.
Ch. 327, Laws of 1967, created the council to advise the board.
Ch. 149, Laws of 1973, created the council to advise the board.
Ch. 327, Laws of 1967, created the council to advise the board.
Ch. 346, Laws of 1911, created the board.
Ch. 402, Laws of 1949, created the Committee of Examiners for Trained
Practical Nurses.
Ch. 365, Laws of 1921, created a Board of Examiners for Nurses in the
Board of Health.
Ch. 478, Laws of 1969, created the board.
Ch. 488, Laws of 1915, created the Board of Examiners in Optometry.
Ch. 167, Laws of 1882, created the Board of Pharmacy.
Ch. 290, Laws of 1969, created the board.
Ch. 656, Laws of 1919, created the Real Estate Brokers Board, later
renamed Real Estate Commission. Ch. 94, Laws of 1981, made the board
advisory to DRL on all matters except discipline of licensees.
Ch. 294, Laws of 1961, created the Board of Veterinary Examiners.