PERSONNEL BOARD

Personnel Board: MARY L. LINTON, chairperson: MATHw G. MARTY, KENNETH J.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7855, Madison 53707: location: 137 East Wilson
Street, Madison.
Telephone: (608) 266-8434.
Total Budget 1985-87: $8,000.
Statutory Reference: Section 15.77.
    History: The Personnel Board dates back to the Civil Service Commission
established in
1905, but was created as a board within the Bureau of Personnel when the
commission was
abolished and the bureau was created in 1929 (Chapter 465). Although the
board was placed
within the Department of Administration when the department was created in
1959 (Chapter
228), it was subsequently removed in 1961 and then attached for administrative
purposes by the
executive branch reorganization act in 1967 (Chapter 75). Chapter 196, Laws
of 1977, created
the Personnel Board as an independent agency.
  Organization: The board is comprised of 5 members who serve staggered 5-year
terms. Mem-
bers are nominated by the governor and appointed with the advice and consent
of the Senate.
Four of the 5 members shall be nominated one each from a list of 5 names
submitted individually
by the president of the Senate, the speaker of the Assembly, the minority
leader of the Senate,
and the minority leader of the Assembly.
  Agency Responsibility: The Personnel Board participates in public hearings
held by the admin-
istrator of the Division of Merit Recruitment and Selection in the rule-making
process and re-
views and approves proposed rules and amendments of rules of the administrator.
The board
may also make investigations and hold hearings at the request of interested
persons and issue
recommendations concerning the enforcement and effect of civil service rules.
The board acts in
an advisory capacity to the administrator. It may also issue an enforceable
order to remand an
illegal act.
  The board provides the governor with a list of at least 5 names for vacancies
on the Personnel
Commission, appoints the chairperson of the Personnel Commission, and certifies
to the gover-
nor a register of candidates for administrator of the Division of Merit Recruitment
and Selec-
tion. It also prepares and conducts the examination for the administrator
position, evaluates the
performance of the administrator annually, and advises the governor as to

                         PERSONNEL COMMISSION

 Personnel Commission: DENNIS P. McGILLIGAN, chairperson; LAURIE R. MCCALLUM,
 General Counsel: ANTHONY J. THEODORE.
 Mailing Address: Second Floor, 121 East Wilson Street, Madison 53702.
 Telephone: (608) 266-1995.
 Publications: Biennial Reports; Digest of Decisions.
 Number of Employes: 10.00.
 Total Budget 1985-87: $901,700.
 Statutory Reference: Section 15.80.