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Walter J. Chilsen (Rep.), 29th Senate District
   Born Merrill, Nov. 18, 1923; married; 8 children. B.S. Lawrence Univ.
1949; attended Northwestern Univ.
Communications consultant. Former TV news dir. World War II veteran; Army
Air Force 1943-45. Mbr.
V.F.W.; D.A.V.; K. of C.; Wis. State Rural Dev. Council (vice chp., exec.
com. 1973-76). Former mbr. Mara-
thon Co. Workshop for Handicapped (co-founder, mbr. of bd.); Wausau Hospital
Adv. Bd.; North Central
Wis. Displaced Homemaker Adv. Council; Wausau Chamber of Commerce Hwy. 29
Task Force.
   Elected to Senate since 1966. Minority Leader 1981; Assistant Minority
Leader 1979, 1975; Maj. Caucus
Chp. 1971, 1969; Maj. Caucus Sec. 1967. Biennial committee assignments: 1987
-Economic Development,
Financial Institutions and Fiscal Policies; Labor, Business, Insurance, Veterans'
and Military Affairs; Council
on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (since 1977); Women's Council; Select Com.
on the Regulation of Gam-
bling. 1985 --Jt. Survey Com. on Debt Management (since 1979); Jt. Com. on
Finance (resigned 7/17/85, also
1979, 1977); Aging, Banking, Commercial Credit and Taxation (eff. 10/8/85);
Agriculture, Health and Human
Services (eff. 10/8/85); Select. Com. on Radioactive Waste; Legis. Coun.
Corns. on Juvenile Offender Disposi-
tion (also 1983), on Lobby Law Review, on Municipal Collective Bargaining
Law; Gov.'s Task Force on UW
Management Flexibility. 1983 - Administrative Rules; Labor, Business, Veterans
Affairs and Insurance;
Tourism and Revenue (eff. 5/24/83); Council on Child Labor; Rural Caucus
(co-chp.). 1981 - Senate Organi-
zation (also 1979, 1975); Jt. Com. on Employment Relations; Jt. Com. on Legis.
Organization (also 1979);
Spec. Com. on Reapportionment; Legis. Council (since 1975) and its Corns.
on Native Amer. Study (since
1975), on Public Health Needs, on Elderly Abuse; Educ. Communications Bd.
(since 1973). 1979 - Spec.
Com. on Energy; Jt. Com. on Audit; Legis. Co. Corns. on Care of the Mentally
Ill (also 1977), on Reduction
and Recycling of Solid Waste (also 1977), on U.W. Sys. Enrollment Funding
Formula. 1977- Agric., Aging
and Labor; Legis. Coun. Com. on Library Laws; Rural Area and Community Devel.
Coun. 1975 - Agric.,
Human Services, Labor and Taxation; Urban Affairs; Legis. Coun. Com. on Public
Liability of Local Govts.
1973 - Agric. and Rural Development (chp.); Health, Educ. and Welfare; Legis.
Court. Corns. on Education
and on Liability of Health Professionals. 1971 - Agric. (chp.); Educ. (vice
chp., mbr. 1967); Adv. Com. on
Kerner Report (chp.); Legis. Coun. Adv. Com. on Health and Social Services
Laws. 1%9 - Labor, Taxation,
Ins. and Bkg. (vice chp.); Health and Social Services.
  Telephone: Capitol: (608) 266-2502; District: (715) 842-4262.
  Voting address: 1821 Town Line Road, Wausau 54401.
  Mailing address: (office) Room 40B South, State Capitol, P.O. Box 7882,
Madison 53707-7882.