other university and school funds, in such manner as the legislature shall
provide, and shall give
such security for the faithful performance of their duties as may be required
by law.

                                          ARTICLE XI.
    Corporations; how formed. SECTION 1. [As amendedApril 1981] Corporations
without banking
powers or privileges may be formed under general laws, but shall not be created
by special act,
except for municipal purposes. All general laws or special acts enacted under
the provisions of
this section may be altered or repealed by the legislature at any time after
their passage. [1979
AJR-53; 1981 AJR-13]
   Corporations; how formed. SECTION 1. [Originalforml  tion cannot be attained
under general laws. All general laws
Corporations without banking powers or privileges may be  or special acts
enacted under the provisions of this section
formed under general laws, but shall not be created by spe-  may be altered
or repealed by the legislature at any time af-
cial act, except for municipal purposes, and in cases where,  ter their passage.
in the judgment of the legislature, the objects of the corpora-
    Property taken by municipality.   SECTION 2. [As amended April 1961]
No municipal corporation
shall take private property for public use, against the consent of the owner,
without the necessity
thereof being first established in the manner prescribed by the legislature.
[1959 AJR-22; 1961 SJR-8]
   Property taken by municipality. SECTION 2. [Original  necessity thereof
being first established by the verdict of a
form] No municipal corporation shall take private property  jury.
for public use, against the consent of the owner, without the
    Municipal home rule; debt limit; tax to pay debt. SECTION 3. [As amended
April 19811 (1) Cities
 and villages organized pursuant to state law may determine their local affairs
and government,
 subject only to this constitution and to such enactments of the legislature
of statewide concern as
 with uniformity shall affect every city or every village. The method of
such determination shall
 be prescribed by the legislature.
    (2) No county, city, town, village, school district, sewerage district
or other municipal corpo-
 ration may become indebted in an amount that exceeds an allowable percentage
of the taxable
 property located therein equalized for state purposes as provided by the
legislature. In all cases
 the allowable percentage shall be 5 percent except as specified in pars.
(a) and (b):
     (a) For any city authorized to issue bonds for school purposes, an additional
10 percent shall
 be permitted for school purposes only, and in such cases the territory attached
to the city for
 school purposes shall be included in the total taxable property supporting
the bonds issued for
 school purposes.
     (b) For any school district which offers no less than grades one to
12 and which at the time of
 incurring such debt is eligible for the highest level of school aids, 10
percent shall be permitted.
     (3) Any county, city, town, village, school district, sewerage district
or other municipal cor-
 poration incurring any indebtedness under sub. (2) shall, before or at the
time of doing so, pro-
 vide for the collection of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the interest
on such debt as it falls
 due, and also to pay and discharge the principal thereof within 20 years
from the time of con-
 tracting the same.
     (4) When indebtedness under sub. (2) is incurred in the acquisition
of lands by cities, or by
 counties or sewerage districts having a population of 150,000 or over, for
public, municipal
 purposes, or for the permanent improvement thereof, or to purchase, acquire,
construct, extend,
 add to or improve a sewage collection or treatment system which services
all or a part of such city
 or county, the city, county or sewerage district incurring the indebtedness
shall, before or at the
 time of so doing, provide for the collection of a direct annual tax sufficient
to pay the interest on
 such debt as it falls due, and also to pay and discharge the principal thereof
within a period not
 exceeding 50 years from the time of contracting the same.
     (5) An indebtedness created for the purpose of purchasing, acquiring,
leasing, constructing,
 extending, adding to, improving, conducting, controlling, operating or managing
a public utility
 of a town, village, city or special district, and secured solely by the
property or income of such
 public utility, and whereby no municipal liability is created, shall not
be considered an indebted-
 ness of such town, village, city or special district, and shall not be included
in arriving at the debt
 limitation under sub. (2). [1979 SJR-28; 1981 SJR-5]