Powers and duties. SECTION 4. The governor shall be commander in chief
of the military and
  naval forces of the state. He shall have power to convene the legislature
on extraordinary occa-
  sions, and in case of invasion, or danger from the prevalence of contagious
disease at the seat of
  government, he may convene them at any other suitable place within the
state. He shall commu-
  nicate to the legislature, at every session, the condition of the state,
and recommend such matters
  to them for their consideration as he may deem expedient. He shall transact
all necessary busi-
  ness with the officers of the government, civil and military. He shall
expedite all such measures as
  may be resolved upon by the legislature, and shall take care that the laws
be faithfully executed.
      SECTION 5. [Repealed. 1929 SJR-81; 1931 SJR-6; vote November 1932]
      Compensation of governor. SECTION 5. [As amended No- Compensation of
governor. SECTION 5. [As amended No-
  vember 1926] The governor shall receive, during his continu-  vember 1869]
The governor shall receive during his continu-
  ance in office, an annual compensation of not less than five  ance in office,
an annual compensation of five thousand dol-
  thousand dollars, to be fixed by law, which shall be in full for  lars
which shall be in full for all traveling or other expenses
  all traveling or other expenses incident to his duties. The  incident to
his duties. [1868 AJR-13; 1869 SJR-6; 1869 c.
  compensation prescribed for governor immediately prior to  186]
  the adoption of this amendment shall continue in force until
  changed by the legislature in a manner consistent with the  Compensation
of governor. SECTION 5. [Originalform]
  other provisions of this constitution. [1923 AJR-88; 1925  The governor
shall receive during his continuance in office,
  AJR-50; 1925 c. 413]                                  an annual compensation
of one thousand two hundred and
                                                        fifty dollars.
     Pardoning power. SECTION 6. The governor shall have power to grant reprieves,
 tions and pardons, after conviction, for all offenses, except treason and
cases of impeachment,
 upon such conditions and with such restrictions and limitations as he may
think proper, subject
 to such regulations as may be provided by law relative to the manner of
applying for pardons.
 Upon conviction for treason he shall have the power to suspend the execution
of the sentence
 until the case shall be reported to the legislature at its next meeting,
when the legislature shall
 either pardon, or commute the sentence, direct the execution of the sentence,
or grant a further
 reprieve. He shall annually communicate to the legislature each case of
reprieve, commutation
 or pardon granted, stating the name of the convict, the crime of which he
was convicted, the
 sentence and its date, and the date of the commutation, pardon or reprieve
with his reasons for
 granting the same.
     Lieutenant governor, when governor. SECTION 7. [As amended April 19791
(1) Upon the gover-
 nor's death, resignation or removal from office, the lieutenant governor
shall become governor
 for the balance of the unexpired term.
     (2) If the governor is absent from this state, impeached, or from mental
or physical disease,
 becomes incapable of performing the duties of the office, the lieutenant
governor shall serve as
 acting governor for the balance of the unexpired term or until the governor
returns, the disability
 ceases or the impeachment is vacated. But when the governor, with the consent
of the legisla-
 ture, shall be out of this state in time of war at the head of the state's
military force, the governor
 shall continue as commander in chief of the military force. [1977 SJR-51;
1979 SJR-I]
   Lieutenant governor, when governor. SECTION 7. [Origi-  absent or impeached,
shall have returned, or the disability
 nalform] In case of the impeachment of the governor, or his  shall cease.
But when the governor shall, with the consent of
 removal from office, death, inability from mental or physical  the legislature,
be out of the state in time of war, at the head
 disease, resignation, or absence from the state, the powers  of the military
force thereof, he shall continue commander
 and duties of the office shall devolve upon the lieutenant  in chief of
the military force of the state.
 governor for the residue of the term or until the governor,
    Secretary of state, when governor. SECTION 8. [As amended April 1979]
(1) If there is a vacancy in
the office of lieutenant governor and the governor dies, resigns or is removed
from office, the
secretary of state shall become governor for the balance of the unexpired
    (2) If there is a vacancy in the office of lieutenant governor and the
governor is absent from
this state, impeached, or from mental or physical disease becomes incapable
of performing the
duties of the office, the secretary of state shall serve as acting governor
for the balance of the
unexpired term or until the governor returns, the disability ceases or the
impeachment is vacated.
[1977 SJR-51; 1979 SJR-1]
   Lieutenant governor president of senate; when secretary of  peached, displaced,
resign, die, or from mental or physical
state to be governor. SECTION 8. [Originalform] The lieu-  disease become
incapable of performing the duties of his
tenant governor shall be president of the senate, but shall  office, or be
absent from the state, the secretary of state shall
have only a casting vote therein. If, during a vacancy in the  act as governor
until the vacancy shall be filled or the disa-
office of the governor, the lieutenant governor shall be im-  bility shall