Air Division: LT. COL. JOEL F. GRASSE, executive support staff officer (air).
Army Aviation Division: COL. ROGER L. GREENWOOD, state aviation officer.
Army Maintenance Division: COL. JIMMIE D. NIENAS, surface maintenance officer,
Camp Wil-
   liams, Camp Douglas, (608) 427-3221.
 Army Operations and Training Division: LT. COL. ROGER L. BRILL, plans, operations
and training
 Army Personnel Division: COL. VINCENT J. PINTARRO, personnel and administration
 Executive Support Services Division: LT. COL. ANDREW M. SCHUSTER, administrative
 Facilities Division: MRS. MARY J. SEEFELDT, construction andfacilities officer.
 Federal Support Personnel Division: COL. JOHN A. LIETHEN, support personnel
 Public Affairs Division: CW4 DONALD D. ERICKSON, public affairs officer.
 Recruiting and Retention Division: LT. COL. MICHAEL F. FONGER, recruiting
and retention
 U.S. Property and Fiscal Office Division: COL. JOHN M. SPAULDING, U.S. property
and fiscal
   officerfor Wisconsin, Camp Williams, Camp Douglas, (608) 427-3321; COL.
   director of logistics.
 Permanent Field Training Site: COL. ROBERT E. WOODWARD, commander, Volk
Field, Camp
   Douglas, (608) 427-3341.
 Wisconsin Military Academy: COL. JAMES G. BLANEY, commandant, Camp Williams,
   Douglas, (608) 427-3321.
Major Army National Guard Unit Commanders:
   State Area Command, Wis. ARNG: COL. JEROME J. BERARD.
   32nd Separate Infantry Brigade (Mechanized): BRIG. GEN. CHARLES F. SCHARINE.
   Troop Command: COL. HOWARD D. MILLER.
   57th Field Artillery Brigade: COL. JAMES W. HOLMES.
   264th Engineer Group: COL. MICHAEL L. DOWNEY.
   13th Evacuation Hospital. COL. JAMES E. ENGELER, JR.
Major Air National Guard Unit Commanders:
   Wisconsin Air National Guard: BRIG. GEN. KENNETH G. STASIEWICZ.
   Headquarters, Wis. ANG: BRIG. GEN. RALPH C. JENSEN.
   128th Tactical Fighter Wing: BRIG. GEN. DAVID B. HOFF.
   128th Air Refueling Group: LT. COL. EUGENE A. SCHMITZ.
   128th Tactical Control Flight: MAJ. JAMES A. MICHELSON.
   Permanent Field Training Site: COL. ROBERT E. WOODWARD.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 8111, Madison 53708-8111; location: 3020 Wright
Street, Madison.
Telephone: (608) 241-6300/6310.
Publications: Biennial Report; At Ease.
Number of State Employes: 217.38.
Number of Federally Paid Support Personnel: 1,600.
Total State Budget 1985-87: $18,137,300.
Total Federal Budget (annual): $75,000,000.
Statutory Reference: Section 15.31.
  History: The 1967 executive branch reorganization act (Chapter 75) created
a Department of
Military Affairs with program responsibilities for the Wisconsin National
Guard. The Wiscon-
sin State Armory Board was also transferred to the new department and renamed
the Armory
Board. The Armory Board was abolished in 1973.
  The Wisconsin National Guard was established as such by Chapter 208, Laws
of 1879, but it
was preceded by both a territorial and a state militia.
  Local militia in this country existed as far back as colonial times. In
1792 federal law required
all able-bodied men between 18 and 45 to serve in the militia of their locality.
This provision was
incorporated in the territorial statutes of Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Constitution
(Art. IV, Sec.