642                             WISCONSIN BLUE BOOK 1987-1988

                                     (In Trillions of BTU)

      Sector                                    1978  1979  1980  1981  
1982  1983  1984   1985*
      Transportation .......................... 349.6 344.5 319.0 307.6 296.8
 295.7 302.5 303.7
      Residential ............................  78.2  72.9   65.1  55.9 
55.8   41.4  42.7  40.6
      Agriculture ............................  30.2  30.9   30.0  28.6 
28.5   28.3  28.7  28.8
      Commercial.............................   27.6  26.5   22.7  18.8 
16.1   25.8  26.9  27.2
      Industrial............................... 28.3  17.0   14.0  10.6 
13.4    8.2   7.7   7.2
      Electric utility........................... 15.6 7.7   4.8    2.3 
 1.7   1.5    1.1   1.2
        TOTAL .............................. 529.4 499.5 455.6 423.8 412.3
400.9 409.6 408.7
      *Preliminary estimates.
      Source: Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of State Energy,
Wisconsin Energy Statistics-
        1986, June 1986.

                        1979-85 (In Millions of BTU Per Capita)

Energy Resource                                    1979   1980    1981  
 1982   1983    1984    19851
  Wisconsin....................................    107      97     90   
  86      84     86      85
  U.S .........................................    142     128    121   
 114     112    116     113
  % of U.S. per capita............................  75      75     74   
  75      75     74      75
Natural Gas
  Wisconsin....................................     79      73     68   
  66     63      63      63
  U.S..........................................     92     90      87   
  80     74      78      74
  % of U.S. per capita2.............................86      81     78   
  82     85      81      85
  Wisconsin....................................     66      68     72   
  68     75      81      82
  U.S..........................................     67     68      70   
  66     68      72      74
  % of U.S. per capita2...........................  99     100    103   
 103     110    112     111
  Wisconsin....................................     24     23      24   
  23     21      24      25
  U.S..........................................     12      12     13   
  13     14      15      18
  % of U.S. per capita............................ 199     188    182   
 176    150     160     139
  W isconsin....................................    2        1      1   
   2      2       2       2
  U.S..........................................     6       6       5   
   6      7       7       6
  % of U.S. per capita2........................... 28      26      27   
  27     24      24      27
Total Resource Use
  Wisconsin.....................................   286    271     263   
 255    256     268     268
  U.S..........................................    320    304     296   
 280    276     288     285
  % of U.S. per capita2........................... 87      86      85   
  88     89      89      90
2Wisconsin per capita resource energy consumption as percent of U.S. per
capita resource energy consumption.
'Includes wood use.
Source: Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of State Energy,
Wisconsin Energy Statistics-1986, June 1986.