Wisconsin must encourage new business formations and jobs in order to
stem the "brain
drain" of young people from which our state suffers. Our young people
must be provided the
opportunity not only to be educated here but also to live here and work here.
  Through tax reform and regulatory reform, Republicans will stimulate the
generation of ven-
ture capital for new business. We will also seek to eliminate unnecessary
state regulation of
major publicly traded securities.

                       THE FOUNDATIONS OF OUR ECONOMY
  The Republican Party stands firm in its commitment to Wisconsin agriculture.
The family
farm is the economic foundation of most rural areas and is, in truth, a keystone
of the state's
economy. Success in agriculture not only provides food and fiber but also
creates many jobs in
the manufacturing sector. The Republican Party recognizes the immeasurable
impact of the
family farm on the character and spirit of rural life.
  Agriculture is going through a difficult period of transition, and Wisconsin
farmers deserve
our understanding and support. We recognize that government assistance may
be necessary as
we evolve to less regulation and a free market.
  Replacing the state inheritance tax with a gap tax will encourage the transferring
of farms to
the next generation.
  Wisconsin agriculture needs property tax relief. We believe in more vigorous
of the constitutional amendment that permits non-uniform taxation of agricultural
land and in
other meaningful property tax relief for rural Wisconsin.
  The Republican Party supports vigorous efforts to promote Wisconsin agricultural
abroad, and opposes unfairly subsidized imports that are inconsistent with
free trade. We sup-
port the search for new uses of agricultural products and the cautious use
of biotechnology in
modern agriculture.
  We pledge our continued support for soil and water conservation programs,
as well as pro-
grams to preserve farmland and protect our groundwater.
  The Republican Party is dedicated to the preservation of manufacturing
in Wisconsin. Manu-
facturing remains the state's largest economic sector and major source of
employment, compris-
ing one out of every four jobs. Wisconsin has long been admired for its commitment
to innova-
tion, productivity, and quality in manufacturing, exemplified by its success
in such diverse areas
as machinery, paper, automobiles, chemicals, electronic equipment, plastics,
and publications.
  We recognize the intensity of international competition as well as the
growth of the service and
information sectors of our economy. Nonetheless, we continue to believe that
has an important place in Wisconsin. We are committed to making Wisconsin
competitive for
the purpose of retaining and creating manufacturing jobs.
  The business climate in Wisconsin should be such as to keep the businesses
we have and en-
courage others to move into our state. Our best salesmen should be the companies
now located
  The Republican Party supports the development and expansion of high-tech
industry in the
state in order to enhance the growth of Wisconsin's diverse economy and allow
our citizens to
reap future benefits offered by this industry in all areas of life.
Small Business
  The Republican Party will improve opportunities for small business in Wisconsin.
The fact
that small businesses generate the overwhelming majority of new jobs for
the state's economy
demands that government regulation and taxation of small business be limited.
  The Republican Party supports intensifying university and state cooperation
with the private
sector in order to provide technology, marketing, and managerial assistance
in the midst of a
constantly changing marketplace and to encourage entrepreneurship.
  The Republican Party recognizes the inability of many businesses to obtain
liability insurance
and will work promptly to resolve this problem.