

          Age               Total       Total      Male      Female     White
    Black    Origin'
     Under 5 years          382,227     346,940    178,111    168,829   316,240
  20,409     9,109
     5 to 9 years           461,184     344,804    176,843    167,961   313,835
  21,530     7,487
     10 to 14 years         474,178     392,247    200,634    191,613   362,555
  21,218     6,783
     15 to 19 years         433,153     466,612    235,736    230,876   436,852
  21,150     7,105
     20 to 24 years         337,098     450,026    224,250    225,776   421,067
  19,841     7,447
     25 to 29 years         272,746     401,915    202,273    199,642   376,189
  17,495     6,066
     30 to 34 years         233,701     348,115    174,497    173,618   327,841
  13,878     4,558
     35 to 39 years         226,021     271,661    134,821    136,840   257,318
   9,762     3,129
     40 to 44 years         244,225     230,312    114,330    115,982   218,574
   8,140     2,547
     45 to 49 years         243,723     219,866    108,401    111,465   209,858
   7,068     2,131
     50 to 54 years         232.208     233,079    114,761    118,318   224,205
   6,534     1,920
     55 to 59 years         215,918     229,046    110,278    118,768   222,159
   5,066     1,466
     60 to 64 years         188,484     206,947     96,830    110,117   202,048
   3,579      965
     65 to 69 years         155,811     184,722     84,318    100,404   180,912
   2,733      743
     70 to 74 years         128,259     145,693     62,950     82,743   143,054
   1,856      634
     75 to 79 years          94,220     107,568     43,289     64,279   105,806
   1,211      475
     80 to 84 years          56,987      70,577     25,539     45,038   
69,629      604      263
     85 years and over       37,588      55,637     17,566     38,071   
54,893      518       144
          TOTAL           4,417,9332  4,705,6422  2,305,427 2,400,340  4,443,035
182,592    62,972
      Median age               27.2        29.4       28.3       30.4   
  29.9     21.7      20.6
      1-17 years           1,583,643   1,357,820   695,496    662,324  1,248,692
 75,850    27,521
      18, 19, 20 years      241,070     287,952    142,904    145,048   270,082
  12,469     4,522
      65 + years            472,865     564,197    233,662    330,535   554,294
   6,922     2,259
      'Persons of Spanish origin may be of any race.
      'Total population is corrected total. The detailed distributions shown
in this table have not been revised by
        the Bureau of Census to reflect this correction.
      Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1980 Census
of Population, Characteristics of
        the Population, Volume 1, Chapter B, Part 51, Wisconsin, Tables 19
and 20.

             WISCONSIN POPULATION, BY RACE, 1890 to 1980

                                Population Totals, 1890-1980

U.S. Census       Total                                                 
    Year       Population'      White        Black     Indian    Japanese
   Chinese    Filipino   Other
    1890        1,693,330      1,680,828      2,444     9,930         9 
    1900        2,069,042      2,057,911      2,542     8,372         5 
       212           -
    1910        2,333,860      2,320,555      2,900    10,142        34 
       226                     3
    1920        2,632,067      2,616,938      5,201     9,611        60 
       251         3          3
    1930        2,939,006      2,916,255     10,739    11,548        24 
       363        64         13
    1940        3,137,587      3,112,752     12,158    12,265        23 
       290        75         24
    1950        3,434,575      3,392,690     28,182    12,196       529 
       590        -         388
    1960        3,951,777      3,858,903     74,546    14,297     1,425 
     1,010       401       1,195
    1970        4,417,933      4,258,959    128,224    18,924     2,648 
     2,700      1,209     5,067
    1980        4,705,642      4,443,035    182,592    29,320     2,237 
     4,097      2,698    41,788

                             Population Percentages, 1890-1980

U.S. Census                 Nonwhite                                    
    Year        White         Total       Black     Indian     Japanese 
    Chinese    Filipino    Other
    1890         99.3          0.7         0.1        0.6         ---   
    1900         99.5          0.5         0.1        0.4          ...  
    1910         99.4          0.6         0.1        0.4         ---   
                   . 2
    1920         99.4          0.6         0.2        0.4               
    1930         99.2          0.8         0.4        0.4          ...  
    1940         99.2          0.8         0.4        0.4         -     
      -            -2
    1950         98.8          1.2         0.8        0.4          ...2
    1960         97.6          2.4         1.9        0.4          ...  
    1970         96.4          3.6         2.9        0.4         0.1   
      0.1         -         0.1
    1980         94.4          5.6         3.9        0.6         -     
      0.1         0.1       0.9
'Total population is corrected total. Detailed distributions have not been
revised by the Census to reflect this correction.
2Included with "all other".
Sources: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census, 1960 Census of Population,
Characteristics of the Population,
  Volume 1, Part 51, Wisconsin, Table 15; 1970 Census of Population, Characteristics
of the Population, Volume 1, Part 51,
  Wisconsin, Tables 17 and 18; 1980 Census of Population, Characteristics
ef the Population, Volume 1, Chapter B, Part 51,
  Wisconsin, Table 17.