school district compliance with various statutory and code requirements.
It is responsible for
reviewing programs at colleges and universities which lead to certification
to serve in the public
schools and for licensing of all public school teachers as well as those
private school teachers who
wish to be licensed.
   The Division for Library Services provides technical assistance and statewide
planning in the
 development of public libraries, school library media centers, and interlibrary
 among all types of libraries. The division administers the state aid program
which provides
 funding for the state's 17 single-county and multicounty federated public
library systems. It also
 administers the federal Library Services and Construction Act. Consultant
services are provided
 in the areas of library automation, library buildings, public library administration,
library ser-
 vices to special populations, microcomputers and instructional technology,
and instructional
 media programs. The division operates a reference and loan library which
provides interlibrary
 loan and reference services to the state's libraries and which maintains
a statewide database of
 library holdings. A microcomputer center/library is operated for the benefit
of department staff
 and state educators and librarians. The division administers the public
librarian certification
 program and the summer library reading program.
   The Division for School Financial Resources and Management Services provides
for payment of
 state and federal school aids, financial review of school accounts, budget
and finance consulta-
 tion, and school finance data collection, analysis, and publication. Consultant
services are pro-
 vided in the areas of data processing, school district reorganization, school
transportation, pri-
 vate school liaison and home instruction, community education, school facilities,
school district
 long-range finance and asset management, and school district management
and planning. The
 division is responsible for school food and nutrition services, including
the national school lunch
 program, special milk program, nutrition education and training, and donated
food distribution.
 The division's educational opportunity program provides counsel and assistance
to disadvan-
 taged students throughout the state who are seeking post-secondary school
education and train-
 ing. The division also administers the Minority Group Precollege Scholarship
   The Division for Management and Budget provides administrative and staff
services to the state
superintendent and the operating divisions of the department, including financial
audit, and fiscal services; legal services; personnel and employment relations;
affirmative action;
staff development; fleet and general office services; word processing services;
management sys-
tems and policy development; evaluation services; systems and data processing
services; publica-
tions and public information services; and state/federal legislative liaison.
The division also is
responsible for development of the department's biennial budget; administrative
rules coordina-
tion; bill analyses and fiscal note preparation; maintenance of education
statistics; and technical
assistance to local school districts on equity issues and pupil nondiscrimination,
including race
desegregation, human relations, sex equity, American Indian language and
culture education,
and national origin desegregation.
  The School District Boundary Appeal Board hears appeals from persons aggrieved
by certain
actions taken under statute Chapter 117, "School District Reorganization."
  The Council on Business and Education Partnerships advises the state superintendent
on mat-
ters promoting increased cooperation among business, industry, organized
labor, and the educa-
tional system.
  The Council on the Education of the Blind advises the state superintendent
regarding services,
problems, and policies affecting the visually handicapped.
   The Council on Exceptional Education consults with the state superintendent
on programs,
policies, and rules relating to the educational needs of exceptional children.
The council may
report biennially to the legislature on the progress made by special education
programs and
planning in the state.
   The Council on Instructional Telecommunications advises the state superintendent
on matters
relating to telecommunications for schools, including instructional programming
for the pri-
mary and secondary grades (such as policy and methods for ascertainment,
program selection,
production, utilization, and scheduling).
  The Council on Library and Network Development advises the state superintendent
and the
administrator of the Division for Library Services on the performance of
their duties relating to
library services.