
                                        Local Law

  Act 315 (AB-427) recodifies and revises the law on the collection and use
statewide of vital
statistics (information from vital records on birth, marriage, divorce and
death). The act also
revises procedures which were already in use by the state registrar and local
registrars. Major
changes made by the act include requiring any facility performing an induced
abortion to file
with DHSS an annual report giving specified information on each patient such
as patient
number, marital status and education, but not the patient's name. DHSS collects
the informa-
tion, publishes annual demographic summaries of the information and destroys
the reports.
  Act 316 (AB-507) creates a Burial Sites Preservation Board in the State
Historical Society,
provides for the cataloging of burial sites throughout the state and prohibits
the destruction of
cataloged burial sites without a permit issued under specified procedures.
  The act makes land with burial sites eligible for the same property tax
exemption as
                                       Military Law

  Act 6 (AB-93) authorizes the Building Commission to issue $300,000,000
of public debt to
refund or acquire outstanding veterans' housing loan bonds and to acquire
other general obliga-
tion bonds as an investment for the veterans housing program. The act establishes
a new system
of accounts for the deposit, maintenance, investment and expenditure of the
proceeds of public
debt issued for these new purposes as well as public debt issued for the
purpose of funding
veterans' housing loans.
  The act also makes related changes in the laws governing the issuance of
public debt for any
purpose and the issuance of public debt for the purpose of funding veterans'
housing loans.

  In conjunction with the recommissioning of the USS Wisconsin by the Navy,
the 1987 Wisconsin
Legislature presented Captain Jerry Blsch, prospective commander of the Wisconsin,
with a cita-
tion. Pictured with Captain Blsch are Senators Rodney C. Moen, Joseph F.
Andrea and Jerome
Van Sistine (photo courtesy of Senate Democratic Caucus).