693.11241 Manchuria/1
       The Secretary of State to the Charge in China (Gauss)

No. 1512                          WASHINGTON, November 19, 1934.
  SIR: Reference is made to the Legation's despatch No. 3019 of Octo-
ber 3, 1934, enclosing a copy of a despatch dated September 21, 1934,
from the American Consul General, Harbin,26 in which he discusses
the desirability of the retention by the Foreign Service officers at Har-
bin and Mukden of privileges of free customs entry, and proposes,
subject to the concurrence of the Legation, to take up this matter
informally and personally with the appropriate "Manchukuo" offi-
cials. The Legation reports that it informed the Consul General that,
as this is a matter in regard to which no reciprocal arrangement is
possible, it cannot authorize him to take the action suggested but that
it has forwarded a copy of his despatch to the Department for its
  The Department approves the action taken by the Legation in regard
to this matter and desires that, in view of the fact that it is not possible
under existing conditions for the Department to consider granting
reciprocal privileges to "Manchukuo" officials, the Consul General
Harbin be instructed to refrain from entering into discussions of
whatever nature looking to the conclusion of such an arrangement.
  It is suggested that a copy of this instruction be sent to the Consul-
ate General at Harbin and to the Consulate General at Mukden.
  Very truly yours,                    For the Secretary of State:
                                                WILLIAM PHILLIPS

893.102 S/1328: Telegram
       The Secretary of State to the Charge in China (Gauss)

                           WASHINGTON, November 20, 1934-7 p. m.
  366. Legation's despatch No. 3022, October 4, in regard to Shang-
hai defense scheme.27
  1. It appears that the defense scheme was amended in June; that
the Secretary of the Defense Committee informed the Consul Gen-
eral under date June 25 of such amendment; but that the Consul
General did not report the matter to the Legation until September 25,
3 months later. The Consul General should report promptly matters
relating to the defense scheme and he should be instructed accordingly.

26 Neither printed.
27Despatch not printed; earlier correspondence on this subject is printed
Foreign Relations, 1932, vols. iii and iv.