With regard to the Japanese announcement of policy toward China,
he said that he believed that the object of the Japanese move was to
prove to China that she could count on no real help from either the
United States or Great Britain. He added that he believed that the
Chinese would now be obliged to accept any demands which the Japa-
nese Government might present and that he would not be surprised
to see both Peiping and Tientsin occupied by Japanese troops during
this summer.
  As a final comment, Litvinov said: "It is my impression, and I find
the impression general in Europe, that the United States and Great
Britain are engaged in tossing the ball of responsibility in the Far
East back and forth between them, each one hoping that the other will
take the lead. So long as that remains the case, the Japanese will be
free to do what they want. It is still my belief that the only effective
method of restraining the Japanese is to arrange at once joint action
by all powers having interest in the Pacific."
  Respectfully yours,                        WILLIAM C. BULLITT

893.71 Manchuria/59: Telegram
  The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Wilson)

                               WASHINGTON, May 15, 1934-1 p. in.
  152. Your 250, May 14, 7 p. m., and previous. Department con-
siders that course suggested in its mail instruction of April 24, 1934,
is preferable to direct relations between interested postal administra-
tions. We do not, however, consider it expedient to take a position
of leadership or to raise an issue in this matter. The Department
therefore desires that, unless opposition develops to the draft pro-
posal (in which case you should bear in mind the Department's in-
struction of April 24), you offer no comment other than, if invited
to comment, to state, in your discretion, that, provided the procedure
outlined in paragraph (2) subsection (c) of the proposal is ensured,
your Government is not disposed to object.

893.71 Manchuria/60: Telegram
  The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

                                    GENEVA, May 16, 1934-6 p. m.
                                    [Received May 16-2: 15 p. i.]
  253. Department's 152, May 15, 1 p. m.
  1. At the meeting of the Advisory Committee on "Manchukuo"
this afternoon the president circulated a draft project essentially