"Manchoutikuo" can really be regarded as de facto a "sovereign
independent state".
  There ensued some discussion of the general problem of coordina-
tion of policy and cooperation in courses of action in reference to
common interests, rights, obligations and objectives.
                                      S[TANLEY] K. H [ORNBECK]

893.01 Manchuria/1019: Telegram
  The Secretary of State to the Charge in Guatemala (Lawton) 70

                               WASHINGTON, March 5,1934-5 p. m.
  16. YouF telegram No. 20, March 2, 4 p. M.71 You may inform the
Minister for Foreign Affairs orally that the Department has received
a similar telegram, that the American Government's policy of non-
recognition of Manchukuo remains unchanged and that all messages
received here from that source are filed without acknowledgment.

893.01 Manchuria/1027
    The Chinese Charge (Yung Kwai) to the Secretary of State

                                     WASHINGTON, March 6, 1934.
  SIR: I have the honor to inform you that I am instructed by my
Government to deliver to your an official translation of a statement
issued by the Minister of Foreign Affairs at Nanking on Pu Yi's
enthronement, which is herewith enclosed.
  Accept [etc.]                                      YUNG KWAI

Offiial Translation of a Statement Issued by the Minister of Foreign
              Affairs at Nanking Dated March 5, 1934

  The assumption of imperial title by Pu Yi another act of high
treason against the Chinese Republic has long been heralded and is
arousing nation-wide indignation in this country.
  However as we look at the situation the status of the Three Eastern
Provinces and Jehol is no other than that of illegal military occupa-
tion while Pu Yi and other members of his theatrical troupe are mere
puppets controlled by their masters and have no independent per-
sonality. Whether Pu Yi's name be "Chief Executive" or "Emperor"

  '° Similar telegrams were sent to the American missions in Ecuador,
and Honduras.
  11 Not printed.