Department informed representative to the effect that if effectua-
tion of the plan under reference meets with the approval of the oil
companies concerned and the American and British Embassies in
Tokyo, the Department would interpose no objection.
893.6363 Manchuria/93: Telegram
   The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)

                          WASHINGTON, November 28, 1934-7 p. m.
  198. Your 262, November 27, 6 p. m. Department has given careful
consideration to every item of your excellent summary of the situa-
tion and your views as expressed therein and, provided you do not
wish to offer amendments as to substance or phraseology, desires that
you hand to the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs an aide-
memoire as follows:
  [Here follows text of aide-menwiore of November 30, 1934, printed
in Foreign Relations, Japan, 1931-1941, volume I, page 143.]
  Although the text of our aide-mnemoire contains no specific statement
approximating the concluding clause of the last British aide-menmoire,
it does emphasize that we attribute definite responsibility in connec-
tion with this matter to the Japanese Government. We shall con-
tinue to keep in mind the statements made in paragraph 5 of your
telegram under reference but it seems to us best not to include in
the aide-me'moire any statement in that connection.
  In presenting the aide-me'moire, you should emphasize orally the
seriousness with which the American Government views the subject
under discussion. You may also state the emphatic denial of the
American Government that the oil situation either in Manchuria
or in Japan is in any way whatsoever linked with our efforts or our
procedure at the London naval conversations.
  Report action taken by telegraph.
  Inform your British colleague.                           HULL

893.6363 Manchuria/97: Telegram
     The Charge in China (Gauss) to the Secretary of State

                              PEIPING, November 29, 1934-11 a. m.
                                          [Received 11: 50 a. m.]
  545. Legation's 537, November 24, 11 a. m.6f9 Following from
Consul General [at] Mukden:
  "November 28, 7 p. m. Representatives of American oil companies
have reported to me the results of their interview at Hsinking yes-
terday with monopoly authorities.

69Not printed.