occupied with a large number of questions in a short period of time,
are frequently not conversant with the details of the question for
which they have been appointed rapporteurs. In the present instance,
Mr. Hoo expressed the conviction that the subject was placed on the
agenda of the first meeting of the Council intentionally in order to
allow the report to be passed upon quietly before Mr. Wellington Koo,
the Chinese representative, would have time, after his arrival at
Geneva, to give it a thorough examination. Mr. Hoo being present,
however, scrutinized the report very carefully and on Mr. Koo's arrival
he called the latter's attention to the desirability of amending certain
portions of the report relating to the situation in Manchuria and Jehol
territory. In consequence when the Council met in private session
just prior to its public meeting on January 15, Mr. Koo requested that
the discussion of the report be postponed. One copy of the rap-
porteur's report as originally drafted (document C.24.1934.XI) is
likewise enclosed herewith.3
  Afterwards, the Chinese delegation presented in private to the
Polish representative as rapporteur two amendments to his report
which are set forth below. The Polish representative, so Mr. Hoo
informed me, immediately accepted these amendments so far as he was
  Mr. Hoo then took up the matter with Mr. Ekstrand, Director of
the Opium Section of the Secretariat, who suggested the holding of
an informal meeting of those members of the Council more directly
interested in the question. It was arranged therefore that a meeting
take place to be attended by the representatives of the following coun-
tries: Great Britain, France, Italy, Portugal, and Poland, the latter
in his capacity as rapporteur. The Spanish representative, Mr. de
Madariaga, who had always shown a great interest in all matters
relating to the recognition of "Manchukuo", was not invited to
but having heard of the meeting came and expressed the desire to
take part in the discussions. Of course his request could not well be
refused. Just before Mr. de Madariaga made his appearance, Mr. Hoo
had suggested that the Spanish representative be invited to come but
he was told that only those members of the Council had been notified
of the meeting who might have some objections to the Chinese amend-
ments. They felt that Mr. de Madariaga would probably not object
to these amendments. By a striking coincidence, which I gather may
be attributed to the alertness of Mr. Blanco, the Spanish representa-
tive arrived at the meeting shortly after the discussion had begun.
  I quote below the amendments submitted by the Chinese repre-

a Not printed.