493.11/1874: Telegram
    The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

                                    PEIPING, June 6, 1934-9 a. m.
                                          [Received 12: 50 p. m.]
  231. Department's No. 157, June 1, 7 p. m. In proposing to submit
to the Chinese Government a list of all claims of which we have
received [notice] from claimants the Legation hoped by including
claims of uncertain validity as well as those of unquestionable validity
to persuade Chinese Government of the desirability of adjudicating
claims by means of an impartial claims commission.
  Of a total of 636 claims so far found in our records aggregating
approximately $6,000,000 [$16,000,000] United States currency, 413
represent looting claims of approximately $650,000 United States
currency. Of the 413 looting claims, 118 represent looting by soldiers
amounting to approximately [$]150,000 United States currency.
  Legation believes that by submitting the list as representing claims
of which it has receive[d] notice from claimants, American Govern-
ment does not in any way commit itself as necessarily supporting all
of them but rather as informing Chinese Government that they have
been presented to us.
  Legation urges that Department approve inclusion of all looting
claims as a measure calculated to convince the Chinese of the desir-
ability of the establishment of a claims commission.

493.11/1874: Telegram
    The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Johnson)

                                WASHINGTON, June 8, 1934-7 p. m.
  163. Your 231, June 6, 9 a. m. Department is willing to defer to
Legation's judgment and therefore authorizes inclusion of looting
claims. Department, however, continues of the opinion that Lega-
tion should follow suggestions (b), (c) and (d) as indicated in
Department's telegram 157 of June 1, 7 p. m.
  Department was under the impression that both in number and
aggregate amount claims on file in Legation greatly exceed figures
indicated in second paragraph of your telegram under reference. Are
you including claims covering contractual obligations such as for
example those of the Continental Illinois Bank, Pacific Development
Corporation, and American International Corporation, which alone
aggregate, not including interest, in excess of $12,000,000? 8

  In despatch No. 2815, June 30, the Minister in China reported: "The
value of the claims of whieh the Legation has record is approximately U.S.
$18,041,542.34." (493.11/1890)